

The time and way in which one lives should be addressed from a socio-educational point of view, an essential aspect for any young person in social difficulties to be able to achieve a full life, with legitimate aspirations and opportunities. The main objective of this research was to identify how young people in social difficulties use and manage their time, drawing on the words of the professionals who are responsible for their care, guardianship, guidance, and education. We also sought to identify the socio-educational intervention actions that are being carried out in different social resources to help young people to manage their time. For this purpose, a qualitative study was carried out using an open self-administered questionnaire to survey thirty professionals from the Community of Madrid, including social educators, teachers, social workers, and psychologists. The results indicate that, in the professionals’ opinion, young people do not use their time adequately and, mostly, they have no control over it, mainly due to personal situations that act as conditioning factors. There are also some notable achievements in time management acquired by these young people. Finally, the professionals’ testimonies suggest the use of different socio-educational intervention actions with young people to work on good habits and social values; protection, support, and guidance; as well as the proper management of leisure time. A line of future research opens up to study the effect of these actions on these young people’s independence and social inclusion.

Please, cite this article as follows: De-Juanas Oliva, Á., García-Castilla, F. J., Ponce de León Elizondo, A. (2020). El tiempo de los jóvenes en dificultad social: utilización, gestión y acciones socioeducativas | The time of young people in social difficulties: Use, management and socio-educational actions. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 78 (277), 477-495. doi: 10.22550/REP78-3-2020-05

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Author Biography

Angel De-Juanas Oliva. PhD in Educational Sciences and Professor of the UNED. He is a member of the UNED Socio- Educational Research Group and the TABA International Research Group on Social Inclusion and Human Rights. Co- ordinator of the Master’s Degree in Edu- cational Intervention in Social Contexts. Visiting professor IOE at the University of London, in the Thomas Coram Research Unit (TCRU).


Francisco Javier García-Castilla. PhD in Sociology in the Exclusion and Social Policy Program of the Pontifical University of Comillas of Madrid. Hired PhD Professor, accredited in the position of Professor of University by ANECA. Part of the Department of Social Work at the UNED Faculty of Law. He has participated as a researcher in several R&D&I projects, and his publications include book chapters and articles (JCR, SJR…).


Ana Ponce de León Elizondo. PhD in Philosophy and Educational Sciences. Full Professor at the University of La Ri- oja. She has published more than one hun- dred books, book chapters, and high-impact scientific articles. Principal researcher in 21 R&D&I projects. She chairs the Leisure Excellence Research Network “OcioGune”. Vice-Rector of Teaching Innovation, Depu- ty Director of the Center of Human, Legal and Social Sciences, Study Director of the Degree in Primary Education.


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Palabras clave | Keywords

educators, intervention, socialdifficulty, time, youth