

Introduction: this study is part of a research project concerning the teacher training in information and communication technologies (ICT) profile. Its aim is to develop and validate an instrument for measuring this profile in primary and secondary schools. Methodology: after developing the instrument and administering it to a sample of 1,433 teachers in the Community of Madrid, its reliability, content, and construct validity were analysed (the latter using Structural
Equation Models with the IBM SPSS-AMOS program). Results: the reliability analysis gave Cronbach’s Alpha = 0.973 for the whole of the instrument. For each dimension this figure was: Curricular Aspects, 0.738; Planning and Evaluation, 0.878; Methodological Aspects, 0.903; Use of ICT, 0.935; and ICT Training, 0.894. The discrimination coefficient values of the final instrument items ranged from 0.33 to 0.74. The Confirmatory Factor Analysis demonstrates a good fit of the model to the data (CMIN/DF = 5,138; CFI = 0,905; RMSEA = 0,056; PRATIO = 0,928). Conclusions: this instrument has therefore shown that it has the necessary technical characteristics to be considered a valid and trustworthy tool for measuring the teacher training profile in ICT.

Cite this article as: Fernández-Cruz, F. J., Fernández-Díaz, M. J., & Rodríguez-Mantilla, J. M. (2018). Diseño y validación de un instrumento de medida del perfil de formación docente en tecnologías de la información y comunicación | Design and validation of an instrument to measure teacher training profiles in information and communication technologies. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 76 (270), 247-270. doi: 10.22550/REP76-2-2018-03

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Author Biography

Francisco José Fernández-Cruz has a PhD in Education. Assistant Pro-fessor and Reader at the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria on the Bachelor’s degrees in Early Childhood and Primary Education, the Master’s in Secondary Teaching, and the Master’s in Managing Educational Centres. His most recent work and publications concern the study of teachers’ ICT skills, the study and accreditation of centres of ICT excellence, developing innovative methodologies in educational settings, emotional competency, and analysing the quality of educational institutions.

Mª José Fernández-Díaz has a PhD in Education. Professor in the Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education Dept. Her main areas of specialisation are: research methodology, evaluation in education, management and leadership, teacher training, and quality and evaluation of schools, teachers, and educational programmes. She evaluates research projects for various agencies and is Chair of the Educational Quality Committee of the Spanish Quality Association.

Jesús Miguel Rodríguez-Mantilla has a PhD in Education. Assistant professor in Research Methods at the Universidad Complutense of Madrid. His most recent work and publications focus on studying burnout in teachers, the atmosphere in schools, teaching practices, and analysing the quality of educational institutions.

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Palabras clave | Keywords

digitalcompetency, factoranalysis, ICTstandards, teachercompetencies