
Dimensiones educativas parentales en familias migrantes y españolas. Teoría de la autodeterminación y parentalidad positiva




In keeping with the principles of positive parenting, understood as parental actions based on the best interests of children and aimed at their overall development, self-determination theory (SDT) posits that it is the family that must satisfy three basic psychological needs: autonomy, relatedness, and competence. Owing to migratory movement, the wide range of cultures present in Spain, and the fact that the family is the preferred place to experience human relationships, this context seems to be an ideal setting for testing the apparent universality of SDT. Hence, the main objective of this study was to examine the parenting dimensions: autonomy (autonomy support vs psychological control), relatedness (warmth vs rejection), and competence (structure vs chaos) and their influence on children’s behaviors in families from a wide range of international backgrounds. The sample comprised a total of 3428 parents and 1785 children attending primary education (7- 13 years old) in eight autonomous communities in Spain. Information was collected using three standardized questionnaires, adapted and validated for the Spanish context. The results show that, regardless of family origin, there were higher scores in positive parenting dimensions (autonomy support, warmth, and structure) than negative dimensions (psychological control, rejection and chaos). The findings also indicate that warmth had a positive effect on children’s behaviors while psychological control had a negative effect, as well as that there were some differences between certain geographical zones in warmth, structure, and chaos. Our study provides confirmation of the universality of the precepts of SDT and positive parenting in families from a wide range of geographical and cultural backgrounds in the Spanish context.

Financiación | Funding

This study was financed by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, through assistance from the 2018 round of funding for RDi projects “Generación de Conocimiento” (Code: PGC2018-095462-B-100-) and by the Spanish Ministerio de Universidades, via “Ayudas de Formación del Profesorado Universitario - FPU2021” (Code: MU-22- FPU21/00250).

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Author Biography

María-Elena Rivoir-González. Bachelor’s degree in Pedagogy at the Universidad de Oviedo (2018) with the highest rating. Extraordinary Degree Award (2017/2018). Master’s degree in Social and Educational Intervention & Research at the Universidad de Oviedo (2021). Education and Psychology PhD student at the Universidad de Oviedo. Predoctoral Researcher at the Department of Educational Sciences at the Universidad de Oviedo (FPU, Ministry of Universities). She teaches at Universidad de Oviedo since 2019 in the Area of Theory and History of Education. She is member of the ASOCED research group (officially recognized by ANECA and the University of Oviedo). Her major research interests involve migration, family and education.


Carmen-María Fernández-García. Bachelor’s degree in Pedagogy at the University of Oviedo (2000) with the highest rating. Extraordinary Degree Award (1999/2000). PhD at the University of Oviedo with the highest rating. Extraordinary PhD Award (2003/2004). Associate Professor at the Department of Educational Sciences at the University of Oviedo, with lectures in the degree of Pedagogy and in the master’s degree in Lower Secondary Education, Upper Secondary Education and Vocational Education and Training. She is member of the Spanish Society of Comparative Education, the Spanish Society of Pedagogy and the ASOCED research group (officially recognized by ANECA and the University of Oviedo). Her major research interests involve gender and education, family education, teaching and teacher education and comparative education.


Susana Torío-López. Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy and Arts (speciality: Philosophy and Educational Sciences) at the Pontifical University of Salamanca (1988). PhD at the University of Oviedo (2001), with the highest rating. Extraordinary PhD Award (2002/2003). Associate Professor at the Department of Educational Sciences at the University of Oviedo since 2003, in the Area of Theory and History of Education. Her teaching activity focuses on the sub-area of Theory and History of Education at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. She also collaborates as a lecturer in several masters at the University of Oviedo, the University of Granada and the University of Salamanca. She is member and main researcher of the ASOCED Research Group (officially recognized by ANECA and the University of Oviedo). Her major research interests involve family and education or socioeducational intervention with normalized and vulnerable families. Three six-year- research periods assessed by the CNEAI (2014-2019).


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Palabras clave | Keywords

family, migration, self-determination theory, positive parenting, family education, parental education