
La amenaza cultural y la actitud de los docentes chilenos hacia la multiculturalidad en la escuela: el rol de la ansiedad exogrupal y la sensibilidad intercultural




In Chile, the arrival of immigrant students has had significant consequences for teachers, who have had to adapt quickly and with few resources to a new school reality. This makes it relevant to study variables affecting their attitudes towards immigrant students. This work aimed to determine the role of outgroup anxiety and intercultural sensitivity in the relationship between cultural threat and attitudes toward multiculturalism at school in a sample of 190 primary and secondary education teachers. A sequential mediation model was carried out. Outcomes show the direct effect of cultural threat on teachers’ attitudes towards multiculturalism at school, as well as its indirect effects through outgroup anxiety and intercultural sensitivity. The model explains 55% of the variability of the dependent variable. Results stress the importance of attending to the socio-cognitive and emotional processes affecting teachers’ beliefs and attitudes regarding immigrant students to facilitate teaching work and school relationships.

Financiación | Funding

This study was carried out thanks to the sponsorship of the Fondecyt projects of the National Agency for Research and Development (ANID) of Chile No. 11221110 and No. 1221952.

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Author Biography

María-José Mera-Lemp. She has a doctorate in Psychology from the University of the Basque Country / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea. Currently, she is an academic and researcher at the Escuela de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales de la Universidad Viña del Mar, Chile. Her research lines address intergroup relations between immigrants and members of host societies in educational contexts, with focus on the study of the impact of intercultural competences on teachers, students and parents. She has presented various communications and seminars on these topics. She has also published her works in scientific journals and books of proven quality. She has taught undergraduate and graduate courses at various Chilean universities. She is currently the principal researcher of the study “Immigrant guardians in school communities: understanding the relevance of the climate of cultural diversity, role construction and involvement in school”, funded by the National Agency for Research and Development of the Government of Chile.


Javier Torres-Vallejos. He holds a PhD in Psychology, Social Transformations and Subjectivity from the Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso, and a PhD in Psychology, Health and Quality of Life from the University of Girona, Spain. He is an academic at the School of Psychology at the Universidad Santo Tomás, Chile, and an associate researcher at the CIELO Research Center: Family, Work and Citizenship at the same university. His lines of research focus on the child and youth population, particularly students, coexistence and school violence, well-being, educational trajectories and research methodology with an emphasis on a quantitative approach. He has worked as an undergraduate and graduate teacher at various Chilean universities. He is currently the principal investigator of the study “Where I come from and how I am: Educational trajectories and subjective well-being in high school students”, funded by the National Agency for Research and Development of the Government of Chile; and co-investigator of the project “School violence and school coexistence: Analysis of trends over time, association with mental health and effects on educational trajectories”, funded by the Ministry of Education of Chile.


Florencia Guglielmetti-Serrano.

She holds a master’s degree in Psychology Research from the Alberto Hurtado University. Her lines of research focus on migration and well-being in Chile. She has published her work in scientific journals on child protection program workers and negative emotions and their effects on political decisions. She has also presented various papers on these topics at different conferences. Currently, she is a professor of Research Methodology and Quantitative Methods at the Gabriela Mistral University and the University of Viña del Mar. In addition, she works as coordinator of the projects “Immigrant guardians in school communities: understanding the relevance of the climate of cultural diversity, role construction and involvement in school”, “Relationships between preschool teachers and immigrant guardians: what explains school involvement in early education?”, and “Attitudes towards multiculturalism as a facilitator of user care in the municipal space. A look at the encounter between employees and Latin American immigrants in municipal social services”; all financed by the National Agency for Research and Development of the Government of Chile.


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Palabras clave | Keywords

teachers, attitudes toward multiculturality at school, cultural threat, outgroup anxiety, intercultural sensitivity.