
Acción docente y comportamiento altruista en clases de Educación Física. Un análisis predictivo desde el modelo de clima motivacional 3 × 2




This study aims to identify the way in which the motivational climate generated by Physical Education (PE) teachers influences engagement in prosocial-altruistic behaviour in a sample of 714 12-to-18-year-old Spaniards adolescents. To this end, the following objectives were proposed: (1) to identify the types of motivational climates established by teachers in PE classes and their impact on facilitating or limiting student engagement in altruistic prosocial behaviours, and (2) to examine the existence of gender differences and describe whether they are also influenced by the climates generated by teachers. A descriptive, non-randomized and relational research design was employed. The students were applied instruments for the 3 × 2 motivational climate and prosocial behavior in relation to their experiences in physical education classes. Findings reveal that an other-oriented climate, whether approach or avoidance oriented, reduces engagement in altruistic prosocial activities in the physical education classroom. Data analysis lead to the conclusion that a more comparative and negatively competitive perception (climates oriented towards how I perform in front of others) decreases engagement in altruistic prosocial behaviour, mainly in boys, promoting instead rivalry and competitive behaviour.

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Author Biography

María del Carmen Flores-Piñero. PhD student in the Faculty of Education Sciences at the University of Granada. Graduated in Pedagogy and with an official postgraduate master’s qualification in Psychopedagogical Intervention and a master’s degree in Teacher Training in Secondary Education, Languages and Vocational Training (speciality: Educational guidance) from the University of Granada. She has been working as an early childhood educator since 2018.


Juan González-Hernández. Lecturer within the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Granada. He teaches on the postgraduate Teacher Training in Secondary Education, Languages and Vocational Training at the universities of Granada and Murcia. He is a trained sports psychologist with extensive experience in both intervention and research in grass-roots sports and the impact of their imbalances on the health of athletes.


Pedro Valdivia-Moral. Vice dean of placements and lecturer within the Faculty of Educational Sciences at the University of Granada. He delivers teaching on the degree of Teaching in Primary Education and Teaching in Early Childhood Education, in addition to the master’s in Teacher Training in Secondary Education, Languages and Training Professionals at the universities of Granada and Jaén. Has worked as a compulsory secondary education teacher at various institutions under the auspices of the Ministry of Education belonging to the Government of Andalusia.


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Palabras clave | Keywords

Prosocial behaviour, motivational climate, prosocial-altruistic behaviour, physical education, teenagers, teachers.