
Formación de expectativas docentes: rendimiento previo del estudiante y características del profesor como factores explicativos




Although the effect of teacher expectations on students’ academic performance has been verified, few studies have focused on establishing which factors affect the formation of these expectations, especially ones that consider previous student performance and the professional experience of the teacher as explanatory factors. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of these factors on the formation of teacher expectations. The sample comprised 21 teachers from 11 schools, with low, medium, and high experience levels, as well as 363 firstyear primary-school students from Chile (ages 6-7), whose academic performance was measured at the start of the school year. Teacher expectations were measured part-way through the school year. A mixed ANOVA analysis made it possible to assess whether teacher expectation varies depending on previous performance and teacher experience. The results indicated that previous performance and teacher experience both have a significant effect on how expectations form. However, the effect of experience varies depending on the different dimensions of the expectations.

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Author Biography

Carmen A. Barriga. Doctor in Education from the Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción (Chile). She is currently an Assistant Professor at the Universidad San Sebastián (Chile), and also collaborates as a postdoctoral researcher in the Millennium Nucleus for the Science of Learning (MiNSoL), a centre funded by the Millennium Scientific Initiative of Chile’s National Research Agency (NCS2022_26).


Cristina Rodríguez. Doctor of Psychology from the Universidad de La Laguna. Associate Professor in the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the Universidad de Talca (Chile). She is currently acting director of the Millennium Nucleus for the Science of Learning, a centre funded by the Millennium Scientific Initiative of Chile’s National Research Agency (NCS2022_26).


Roberto A. Ferreira. Doctor of Psychology from the University of York (United Kingdom). Associate Professor in the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the Universidad de Talca (Chile). He is currently director of the Millennium Nucleus for the Science of Learning, a centre funded by the Millennium Scientific Initiative of Chile’s National Research Agency (NCS2022_26).


Marcos H. Cárdenas-Mancilla. Doctor in Linguistics from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (Chile). He collaborates as a young researcher in the Millennium Nucleus for the Science of Learning (MiNSoL), a centre funded by the Millennium Scientific Initiative of Chile’s National Research Agency (NCS2022_26), and as a researcher in the Interdisciplinary Program for Experimental Research in Communication and Cognition (PIIECC) of the University of Santiago de Chile.


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Palabras clave | Keywords

teacher expectations, teacher experience, previous performance, teacher characteristics

Financiación | Funding

This study was supported by ANIDChile (National Science and Technology Development Fund Postdoctoral grant no. 3230645; National Science and Technology Development Fund Regular no. 1161213) and Núcleo Milenio para la Ciencia del Aprendizaje (MiNSoL - Chile).