
La formación permanente en el profesorado de enseñanza no universitaria: análisis de impresiones, preferencias y necesidades




Continuing training is a key component in teachers’ professional development as it enables them to meet the educational needs of the knowledge society and contribute to a quality educational system. This research aims to identify the training needs and preferences of in-service teachers and their impressions of the continuing training they receive. To do so, a quantitative study with a descriptive and correlative ex-post facto design was used. A total of 801 non-university teachers from schools in the autonomous community of Andalusia participated in the research. The data were collected using a questionnaire with an ad hoc design, taking as reference the instrument developed by Sangrà et al. (2019). For the data analysis, an exploratory factor analysis was performed giving 9 dimensions. The correlations between them were calculated and the non-parametric Mann-Whitney test was used to compare differences in means by gender. The results show that teachers are motivated for teacher training as they see that it is linked to improvements in their professional practice and in student results, and that they prefer formal training activities. The content they prefer relates to school development, entrepreneurial skills and their transfer, innovative teaching methodologies, didactic updating, and ICT. Some gender differences in training preferences were found, although the total score is similar for men and women, with women wanting more training in four of the dimensions and being more motivated to participate in such training.

In conclusion, there is a need to consider new training strategies such as lesson study, where teachers are the protagonists of their ongoing training.

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Biografía de Autor

María-José Mayorga-Fernández. Doctor in Pedagogy from the Universidad de Málaga and associate professor in the Department of Didactics and School Organisation. She is a member of the “Rethinking education Hum 311” research group. Her main research interests are teacher evaluation, didactic methodologies, lesson study, digital competence, and continuing training.


Inmaculada Martínez-García. Doctor in Pedagogy from the Universidad de Sevilla. She is an associate professor in the Department of Didactics and School Organisation. She is a member of the “Teaching and learning in the framework of educational innovation and technology (Innoeduca)” research group (SEJ-533). Her main research interests are innovation in teaching and new technologies, teacher training, competence-based training, educational and professional guidance, school management and educational leadership, and the psychological well-being of doctoral students.


Fabián Núñez-Avilés. Doctor in Research Methods and Resources in Educational Research and Innovation from the Universidad de Málaga. He is the director of the Vélez-Málaga Teachers’ Centre (Junta de Andalucía). He is a member of the “Education, sport, innovation, and health (EDISA)” research group, which has the objective of fostering health through preventive education and creating technological systems with artificial intelligence to help professionals perform their tasks.


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Palabras clave | Keywords

continuous training, training needs, modalities of training, non-university teaching