
La Mención en Educación Musical en los grados de Maestro/a en España: presencia y enfoque




Given the current situation with regards to the publication of the Development Orders to Improve University Teaching approved by Royal Decree 822/2021, which might affect degree mentions in Spain, this research focuses on a study of the form of the curriculum for the Mention in Music Education. To do so, we have selected public and private centres (n = 48) that are affiliated to the Conference of Deans of Education. We examined the offer of this specialisation on the degrees in Early Childhood Education and Primary Education, the distribution of subjects, and access requirements. In addition, the content of the subjects was classified. and the presence of specific placements and final degree projects was considered. The results show a reduction in credits and training capacity compared to the previous specialism. In addition, the more restricted offer of this mention in Early Childhood Education than in Primary Education is shown. The Kruskal–Wallis non-parametric test did not find any statistically significant differences in the availability of these courses in different autonomous communities. In the case of modules offered, it is apparent that both stages share the same musical categories (vocal, instrumental, auditory, musical language and rhythm, movement and dance, among others) but that the teaching load differs. Likewise, it was also found that few centres offer specific practicals and final degree projects for the mentions. For all these reasons, taking into account all of the foregoing is recommended in the event of any modification that could increase the number of credits with the publication of the afore mentioned orders.

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Author Biography

Ángela Morales. Doctor of Didactics of Corporeal Expression from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). Graduate of the Higher Music Conservatory of Madrid in Recorder and Singing and Diploma in Training General Basic Education Teachers Training, Science Speciality, from the UAM. She has taught and been head of studies at the Conservatorio Profesional de Danza de Madrid [Professional Dance Conservatory of Madrid] and at the Escuela Comarcal de Música de Villacañas [Regional Music School of Villacañas], and she is director of the Orff choir and instrumental group. She currently runs the Pedagogy Section of the Interfaculty Music Department in the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education at the UAM. She has presented various works in conferences concerning the new bachelor’s degree programmes, the situation of music education in primary education, curriculum organisation, teaching innovation projects, and other subjects.


Marta Martínez-Rodríguez. Diploma in music education and Degree in Primary Education and Music History and Sciences from the Universidad de Valladolid, University Master’s in Research in Psychology and Educational Sciences from the Universidad de León. Doctor of Education. She is currently assistant professor in the Interfaculty Music Department (education section) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education at the UAM. She is a member of the Music and Education research group at the UAM, she is a researcher at the Heritage Education Observatory in Spain, and she has prepared public consultation reports for the Directorate General of Cultural Heritage of the Community of Madrid and with the Ministry of the Economy (sec. 83 of the Organic Education Act). She has published various articles and book chapters on music education and heritage education.


Miren Pérez-Eizaguirre. Doctorate, Licentiate degree in Musical History and Sciences, Diploma in Primary Teaching with Music Speciality, Master’s in Advanced Music-Therapy and Applications and a Plan 66 Professional Degree in music (flute). She is currently assistant professor in the Interfaculty Music Department at the UAM, and academic coordinator of the Master’s in Innovation and Research in Music Pedagogy at the same university. Her research interests focus on two fundamental areas: music and attention to diversity, and music education. In both, she has been involved in various articles, book chapters, and innovation and research projects, and has supervised doctoral theses as well as writing conference papers and presentations.


Isabel Montaraz. Specialist Teacher in Music and Early-Childhood. Doctor from the UAM. Diploma in Early-Childhood Education, specialising in Music Education (UAM), Degree in Early Childhood Teaching (U. Camilo José Cela), Master’s in Music Education (UAM), and University Master’s in Management and Administration for Quality of Educational Centres (U. Francisco de Vitoria). In the field of research, she has participated in teaching innovation projects and in international conferences, publishing articles and papers in the field of music teaching. She has studies in the flute, piano, choir, and musical language, performing concerts such as solo flautist with the Dionisio Aguado Municipal Band from Fuenlabrada.


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Palabras clave | Keywords

music education, degree in education, mention, Spain, music, education