
La escala de los dominios de creatividad de Kaufman: validación en un contexto universitario español




Creativity is understood to be a set of elements that define a creative person, and the Kaufman Domains of Creativity Scale is internationally regarded as being of scientific value for measuring it. This article verifies the applicability of this instrument in a Spanish university context, after having its 50 elements professionally translated into Spanish and conducting an empirical study that establishes its guarantees of reliability and validity in this scenario. Following analytical exploration of this tool’s constituent factors, the original five domains (everyday, performance, academic, mechanical/ scientific, and artistic) are restructured into eight (everyday, performance, mechanical/scientific, academic, artistic expression, artistic understanding, emotional, and mathematical). As in other international settings, students were found to give statistical validity to basic social skills, while artistic competences, scientific design strategies, and intellectual capacities are constants within the construct of creativity regardless of the population group being studied. Nonetheless, the distinguishing features are in the artistic domain, which has undergone division, giving prominence to artistic expression and understanding of the arts. Also, in the extraction of an emotional component that goes beyond the everyday, and in a purely mathematical domain disaggregated from the mechanical/scientific domain.

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Author Biography

Ignacio González-López. Professor in the Department of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education at the Universidad de Córdoba (Spain). Director of the research group SEJ049 «Educational evaluation and innovation», within the Plan Andaluz de Investigación (Andalusian Research Plan). He has coordinated several research and teaching innovation projects related to educational measurement and evaluation, as well as training in competences, as a result of which many publications have been published.


María Amor Martín-Fernández. Associate professor of Language and Literature Didactics at the Centro de Magisterio Sagrado Corazón, attached to the Universidad de Córdoba (Spain). She has published several works related to creativity, literary education, communicative competence and teaching innovation. She is a member of the research group SEJ049 «Educational evaluation and innovation», within the Plan Andaluz de Investigación (Andalusian Research Plan). https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5744-6287

Paloma del Moral-Martín. Graduate in Early Childhood Education from the Universidad de Córdoba (España). Master’s degree in Supervision, Evaluation and Management of Educational Centres and Programmes and master’s degree in Neuropedagogy, Creativity and Management of Capacity and Talent from the Universidad de Córdoba.


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Palabras clave | Keywords

creativity domains, reliability, validity, factor analysis, Spanish university students