
CoDiLe: un instrumento para evaluar el conocimiento disciplinar de lengua española de los maestros en formación




In recent decades, various research works have focussed on assessing teachers’ pedagogic knowledge, especially in science and mathematics. However, few works in the field of language have designed and validated tools for this purpose. The present work aims to progress in this line of research by designing and validating a questionnaire to assess the Spanish-language disciplinary knowledge of pre-service teachers. Spanish students from the degree in Primary School Education and Master’s in Secondary Education as well as experts in didactics of language and in validating questionnaires participated. To analyse its content validity, we used the Delphi method and, to study consistency, we performed a psychometric analysis using the test–retest reliability method. The instrument was found to be consistent and valid. The results were below what was expected and revealed that the sample showed a clear shortcoming in disciplinary content in Spanish language. These data seem to be in line with those obtained in other areas. Consequently, CoDiLe can contribute to defining and remedying these possible deficiencies by providing consistent data to teacher trainers to guide their practice more effectively.

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Author Biography

María Teresa Muedra-Pedris. Student on the Specific Didactics Doctoral Programme at the Universidad de Valencia. She is a member, along with the other authors, of the «Pedagogical content knowledge: foundations of teachers’ didactic analysis and action» research group (CDC-GIUV2016-280).


Manuel Monfort-Pañego. Associate Professor in the Department of Physical, Artistic, and Music Education Teaching of the Universidad de Valencia. Doctor of Physical Education from the Universidad de Valencia. His research interests focus on primary-school teacher training, principally the development and validation of measurement instruments to assess students’ knowledge and habits in relation to physical education. He is a member, along with the other authors, of the «Pedagogical content knowledge: foundations of teachers’ didactic analysis and action» research group (CDC-GIUV2016-280).


Ángela Gómez-López. Associate Professor in the Department of Language and Literature Teaching of the Universidad de Valencia. Doctor of Specific Didactics from the Universidad de Valencia. Her research interests focus on primary-school teacher training: learning and teaching of foreign languages, reading comprehension and control of comprehension (metacognition) in L2 and didactic analysis of school content in first and second languages. She is a member, along with the other authors, of the «Pedagogical content knowledge: foundations of teachers’ didactic analysis and action» research group (CDC-GIUV2016-280).


Eva Morón-Olivares. Associate Professor in the Department of Language and Literature Teaching of the Universidad de Valencia. Doctor of Hispanic Philology from the Universidad de Granada. Her research interests centre on training primary-school teachers, especially for teaching literature and the didactic analysis of school content in first and second languages. She is a member, along with the other authors, of the «Pedagogical content knowledge: foundations of teachers’ didactic analysis and action» research group (CDC-GIUV2016-280).


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Palabras clave | Keywords

measurement instrument, level of knowledge, Spanish language, teacher training