
Autorregulación del aprendizaje en estudiantes chilenos de educación primaria: validación de un instrumento y diferencias por sexo y grado




Self-regulated learning has been widely praised as a key competence for initiating and maintaining lifelong learning. However, despite its recognised value, the literature shows that it is still insufficiently rooted in schools and that students do not develop it automatically. The aim of this study was to validate an instrument for measuring self-regulation of learning in primary school students and to analyse differences in students’ self-regulation of learning processes by sex and grade. The method was developed from a positivist paradigm and a quantitative approach.

The sample consisted of 514 students from third to eighth grade of primary school in Chile. The results showed that the instrument has an acceptable structure [χ2/df = 3.55, p self-regulation of study and learning and self-efficacy for disposition to study variables, where women displayed higher levels than men. Also, in the strategies for disposition to study and self-efficacy for disposition to study variables, at the seventh and fourth grade levels, with the latter having higher levels. The discussion presents the potential practical implications, possibilities for research directed at timely intervention, and the impact on the quality of school education. It is concluded that girls have better self-regulation than boys, that self-regulation levels are suboptimal, and that self-regulation does not increase during the primary school years without intentional training.

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Author Biography

Fabiola Sáez-Delgado. Assistant professor in the Faculty of Education. Head of the Master’s in Educational Science programme at the UCSC. Degree in Education, Master’s in Education, and Doctorate in Psychology from the Universidad de Concepción, Chile. Her lines of research are cognitive-motivational variables in teaching and learning processes, mental health variables in educational communities, and socioemotional competences. She has specialised in systematic reviews of literature, psychometry, and analysis of predictive and explanatory models in education. Member of the “Society, education, and psychology” international research group (GISEP) and leader of the “Cognition, emotion, and disruptive technologies in education” research and innovation line. In the last five years, she has published more than 50 academic articles in high-impact journals and has led externally funded national and international projects.


Javier Mella-Norambuena. Parttime professor in the Department of Sciences of the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile. Degree in Education and Master’s in Health Psychology from the Universidad de Concepción, Chile. Doctoral candidate on the Education Doctorate programme at the Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción, Chile. His lines of research are cognitive-motivational variables in processes of teaching and learning and mental health variables in educational communities. He has specialised in systematic reviews of literature, research methodology, and quantitative data analysis using the SPSS, RStudio, and Python software programs. Member of the “society, education, and psychology” international research group (GISEP).


Marcela Bizama. Associate professor in the Faculty of Education of the Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción, Chile (UCSC). Qualified Teacher from the Universidad de Chile and Doctor in Education from the Universidad de Concepción (Stockholm University agreement). Her lines of research are cognition, learning, and development. She has specialised in the study of cognitive variables such as fluid intelligence, executive functions relating to attention and memory, creativity, and reading comprehension of various text types in different developmental stages. She has participated in various research projects, with national and international funding, and has numerous publications in a variety of indexed journals.


Joan Gatica. Candidate for a Doctorate in Education at the Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción, Chile. Master’s in Management, Leadership, and Educational Policy from the Universidad de Concepción (Chile), and Master’s in Quality School Management and Administration from the Universidad del Desarrollo (Chile). He researches the impact of learning and playing chess and other board games on the acquisition and development of critical thinking, self-regulation of learning and metacog- nition. Head of primary and secondary schools for 16 years. School management advisor in schools and colleges in various regions of Chile. Promoter of projects to include chess in classrooms in Chilean schools.


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Palabras clave | Keywords

self-regulation of learning, primary education, public schools, quantitative approach