
El feedback entre iguales y el desarrollo profesional docente: revisión sistemática




The potential of professional collaboration as a mechanism for teacher professional development (TPD) lies in the feedback opportunities it offers. Although feedback itself has been extensively researched, most studies focus on the teacher-student relationship. In this sense, literature reviews have paid scant attention to teacher-teacher feedback in a symmetrical relationship and its impact on TPD. Consequently, 30 peer-reviewed empirical articles were selected from 2012 to 2022 in accordance with the PRISMA protocol. The process consisted of three phases: document search and evaluation using the VOSViewer tool; selection and filtering of documents according to the defined criteria, and document analysis. The results show that all research on teacher- teacher feedback concludes that it improves learning, the relationship between teaching partners and school climate. The main difficulty identified relates to teachers’ lack of skills in providing quality feedback. Few articles analysed the impact of feedback on teaching and learning methodologies(although all highlighted positive benefits) and even fewer studies analysed its impact on TPD. In turn, recommendations for improving research and practice in schools are proposed.

Referencias | References

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Palabras clave | Keywords

teacher professional development, peer feedback, systematic review, teacher agency, basic education