INTRODUCTION. In recent years, development of the ethical and civic competence (ECC) that service-learning promotes has aroused the interest of educational communities around the world, in line with the pursuit of a holistic humanist education that prepares students for the challenges of living and coexisting in society. However, research into the impact of the implementation of service-learning seems to show that assessment of this competence is not well developed. Therefore, the aim of this study is to provide a critical analysis of the most significant ECC assessment methods and instruments in order to develop lines for improvement to promote assessment in educational action and scientific knowledge of this essential aspect in SL projects. METHOD. To achieve this objective, we developed an assessment tool, the content of which was validated through expert judgement. This tool made it possible to analyse the ECC assessment methods selected owing to their importance in the area studied based on formal and content-related identifying criteria. RESULTS. In this analysis, we found methods mainly from Spain and the USA, generally designed for summative assessment in questionnaire format. These methods essentially focus on civic assessment of ECC, centring on assessing the development of social responsibility and interpersonal skills. Study of the developing reflexivity is dominant in the assessment of the ethical dimension. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS. A number of areas for improvement are presented, which are aimed at creating a mixed multifocal assessment method that makes it possible to assess the dimensions of ECC in all of their complexity. Thus, we hope to contribute to the consolidation of service-learning to promote a holistic education that is committed to society and to people’s well-being.
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Citación recomendada | Recommended citation
Redondo-Corcobado, P.
Critical analysis and guidelines for improving models for assessing ethical and civic competence in service-learning.
Revista Española de Pedagogía, 82(287).
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service-learning, assessment, competence, ethics, civics, moral education, character education, education for citizenship, community education, social justice, common good, expert judgement