



Professional music education is still an emerging educational sector in some countries, as in Colombia. Within this sector, there are new, interesting initiatives that provide musical training for non-institutionalised professional groups, who would not otherwise be able to obtain academically valid credentials, given their geographic dispersion and employment situation in the country. In this sense, an analytical study associated with this area has been conducted to explore the general functioning and achievements in musical training of the Colombia Creativa Artists’ Professionalisation Programme (PPACC - Programa de Profesionalización de Artistas Colombia Creativa), identifying weaknesses, strengths and opportunities for improvement. This programme is sponsored by the Ministry of Culture of Colombia and is one of the main ways for professional musicians who could not be trained in official centres to achieve certification of their competencies with academic validity in this country, providing them with clearly improved employability within the field of musical training. For this research, a qualitative methodology was used, by means of interviews and an emergent content analysis was conducted with the NVivo program. Among the main results, of note are the organisational difficulties encountered and the tensions and rejection of the programme by some participants. Also strengths such as the flexibility of the programme and the opportunity it provides for national musical training of groups of artists who are not institutionally professionalised.

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Author Biography

Oswaldo LORENZO-QUILES. Special Doctoral Prize in Education Studies (UNED). Third prize at national level in educational research (Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia de España - Spanish Ministry of Education and Science). Associate professor and vicedean of Research, International Projects and Transfer at the Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y del Deporte de Melilla (Faculty of Education Studies and Sport in Melilla) (Universidad de Granada). General coordinator of the ECALFOR project (Evaluación de la formación del profesorado en América Latina y Caribe. Garantía de la calidad de los títulos de educación / Evaluation of teacher training in Latin America and the Caribbean. Guarantee of the quality of education degrees), European Capacity building project. His main lines of research are higher education, music education and monitoring education graduates.


Yuly Rodríguez-Ramírez. Doctor of Education at the Universidad de Granada. Research fellow at the Departamento de Didáctica de la Expresión Musical, Plástica y Corporal (Department of Didactics of Musical, Plastic and Bodily Expression) at the Universidad de Granada. Her main line of research focuses on music education.


Ana Lendínez-Turón. Graduate of the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Master’s Degree in Multicultural Studies from the Universidad de Granada. Currently preparing her doctoral thesis on education for the Universidad de Granada. International projects expert at the Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y del Deporte de Melilla (Faculty of Education Studies and Sport in Melilla) (Universidad de Granada). Her main lines of research focus on higher education, education and information and communication technologies, and monitoring education graduates.


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Palabras clave | Keywords

music education, Colombia, professionalisation of artists, management of educational programmes, employability of music educators