



There are few programmes for preventing ICT addiction, and even fewer that have been scientifically validated. Preventing ICT addiction is a key part of governments’ adolescent mental health policies. Clickeando is a school programme for universal prevention of ICT addiction in adolescents. It has been in use for fourteen years and was designed on the basis of the appropriate quality indexes for this type of programme. Since 2020, Clickeando has assessed its participants with the aim of linking the efforts of different preventive bodies and agents. This has enabled the present study to assess the programme’s impact on its target population. The main results indicate that the programme produces changes in ICT use, principally by reducing addictive use of mobile phones by girls and boys in secondary education. Likewise, there are important behaviours in the development of addictive patterns that we suggest should be the focus of future modifications to the workshop (such as time spent on social networks or on instant messaging systems), for they are crucial for the efficacy of the intervention. The effects of Covid-19 on young people’s mental health have highlighted the need for assessment protocols and preventive actions that foster healthy use of technology and that take into account age and the gender perspective in their implementation to maximise their efficacy.

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Author Biography

Amparo Luján-Barrera. Graduate in Psychology and master’s degree in Neurosciences from the Universidad de Valencia (UV). She is currently studying for a doctorate in Research in Psychology and is a member of the Gambling and Technological Addictions research team of the Department of Basic Psychology at the UV, where she works as a researcher. She has been a behavioural addictions prevention specialist since 2020 in collaboration with the Plan Municipal de Drogodependencias of the Council of Valencia. She has taken many training courses in languages, research, and teaching. To date, she has published two articles, a book review, and two conference proceedings of the Dykinson publishing house. She carries out scientific dissemination activities, and delivers training courses in prevention workshops and other university courses.


Lydia Cervera-Ortiz. Licentiate degree in Psychology from the Universidad de Valencia (UV); university master’s in ESO and Baccalaureate Teacher Training, Professional Training and Language Teaching from the Universidad Miguel Hernández in Elche; and a master’s in Gambling Addiction and Other Behavioural Addictions. She is currently a predoctoral researcher working on her doctorate in Research in Psychology at the UV. She is also a member of the Gambling and Technological Addictions research team in the Basic Psychology Department. She has also been a behavioural addictions prevention specialist since 2021 in collaboration with the Plan Municipal de Drogodependencias of the Council of Valencia. She is the author of various articles, book chapters, and reviews published in journals, conference proceedings, and monographs. She has delivered various specialist courses on technology addiction prevention programmes (Ludens, Gamer) for the addictions services of Cantabria and the Balearics.


Mariano Chóliz-Montañés. Professor of the Universidad de Valencia. He is the head of the Gambling Addiction and other Behavioural Addictions postgraduate specialist course and the Preventing Technology Addictions and Online Bullying online postgraduate course. He is also head of the Gambling and Technological Addictions research unit.

He specialises in behavioural addictions and emotional expression and has directed various research projects on technology addictions in adolescence. He is a member of various Spanish and international scientific associations and has written the books Adicción a Internet y redes sociales: tratamiento psicológico [Internet and social-media addiction: psychological treatment], Adicción al juego de azar [Gambling addiction], and Mobile phone dependence in adolescence, among others. He has published academic articles on gambling addiction and technological addictions in journals such as Addiction, Journal of Gambling Studies, Psychological Reports, Anales de Psicología, Revista Española de Drogodependencias, and others.


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Palabras clave | Keywords

addiction, technology, ICT, mobile phones, social networks, video games, school-based prevention, prevention programme, mental health, efficacy, validation, adolescence, Covid-19, factor analysis