Self-regulation is an important factor in achieving successful reading comprehension. This study analyses the effects of a self-regulated strategy instruction programme versus a control group on reading comprehension performance, time spent applying strategies during the reading comprehension process and reading self-efficacy. The programme comprised two conditions (condition 1 and condition 2) in which the teachers provided direct and explicit teaching of self-regulation strategies before, during and after the reading process. In condition 2, explicit instruction in reading self-efficacy was added. In the control condition, teachers provided traditional instruction based on reading aloud, sequential reading, text questions and the use of dictionaries. A total of 180 Spanish primary school students from eight different Year 5 and 6 classes (aged 10-12 under the Spanish education system) were either assigned to one of the two experimental conditions (Condition 1: N = 47. Condition 2: N = 47) or to the control condition (N = 86). Pre-test/post-test/follow-up measures were taken (six weeks after the intervention) of reading performance, reading self-efficacy and time spent applying self-regulation strategies before, during and after reading through an online assessment. The results showed that the instructional programme had a positive and significant effect in the two experimental conditions compared to the control group in terms of reading performance and time spent applying self-regulation strategies before and after the reading process. However, no statistically significant differences were observed in the time spent applying strategies during reading and in reading self-efficacy, neither between the two experimental conditions nor between the experimental conditions and the control condition. The implications of these results and their contribution to educational practices are discussed.
Please, cite this article as follows: Olivares, F., Fidalgo, R., & Torrance, M. (2023). Efectos de una instrucción estratégica-autorregulada en el proceso de comprensión y autoeficacia lectora del alumnado de educación primaria | Effects of self-regulated strategy instruction on the reading comprehension process and reading self-efficacy in primary students. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 81 (285), 271-290. 10.22550/REP81-2-2023-02
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Citación recomendada | Recommended citation
Olivares, F., Fidalgo, R. y Torrance, M. (2023). Efectos de una instrucción estratégicaautorregulada en el proceso de comprensión y autoeficacia lectora del alumnado de educación primaria | Effects of self-regulated strategy instruction on the reading comprehension process and reading self-efficacy in primary students. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 81 (285), 271-290. 10.22550/REP81-2-2023-02
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Palabras clave | Keywords
primary education, reading strategies, self-control, self-efficacy, self-regulation