



Social network addiction in young people has been extensively studied and associated with multiple factors. Among the scales de­signed to measure this, the 24-item version of the Social Network Addiction Questionnaire (SNAQ) is one of the most widely used. This study analyses the psychometric properties of the Spanish version adapted to undergradu­ates. The content and construct validity of the scale was explored using the Rasch model and a confirmatory factor analysis. The data cate­gorisation structure, construct dimensionality, model fit, subject and item reliability, Wright Map structure, and differential item function­ing (DIF) were specifically analysed. 1,809 students from 24 Spanish universities partic­ipated. The results indicate that the SNAQ presents good reliability and dimensionality, and a good model fit; however, elements in need of improvement are appreciated mainly in the proposed Likert scale, in the develop­ment of new items that measure the extremes of addiction to social network sites and in the wording of one item. With respect to fac­tor analysis, three factors were obtained thatcoincide with the original construct. With the improvements that have been observed through validation, the questionnaire could confidently be used to measure the construct in the university population. The instrument fills an important gap in the identification of addictive behaviours in the use of social net­works, which could lead to a subsequent inter­vention involving undergraduates.

Please, cite this article as follows: Suárez-Perdomo, A., Garcés-Delgado, Y., García-Álvarez, E. y Ruiz-Alfonso, Z. (2023). Propiedades psicométricas del cuestionario de adicción a las redes sociales (ARS) a población universitaria | Psychometric properties of the Social Network Addiction Questionnaire (SNAQ) for undergraduates. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 81 (285), 361-379. 10.22550/REP81-2-2023-06

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Author Biography

Arminda Suárez-Perdomo holds a doctorate in Developmental Psychology and is a Assistant Professor at the De­partment of Didactics and Educational Research at the Universidad de La La­guna. Her lines of research focus on the evaluation of programmes to promote positive parenting in virtual environ­ments for experiential learning, analy­sis of digital parenting skills, as well as problematic internet use among under­graduates and its possible influence on the behaviour of procrastination and ed­ucational goals.


Yaritza Garcés-Delgado holds a doctorate in Education which received the qualification of international doctor­ate and is an Assistant Professor in the Area for Research and Diagnosis Methods in Education at the Department of Di­dactics and Educational Research at the Universidad de La Laguna (Spain). She is a research associate in the Grupo Uni­versitario de Formación y Orientación In­tegrada (GUFOI) (University Group for Integrated Training and Guidance) and the research and innovation group EDUL­LAB (Laboratorio de Educación y Nuevas Tecnologías) (Education and New Tech­nologies Laboratory), both officially recog­nised research groups at the Universidad de La Laguna. She is a member of and the regional representative for the Asociación Interuniversitaria de Investigación Ped­agógica (AIDIPE) (Interuniversity Associ­ation for Pedagogical Research) in the Ca­nary Islands. Her lines of research focus on the development of methods and lines of research applied to education, academic and career guidance for students and the application of technologies to education.


Edgar García-Álvarez holds a doctor­ate in Business Structure. He specialises in university management, knowledge transfer and business innovation. His areas of aca­demic knowledge are (1) business structure and administration, (2) statistical methodol­ogy based on the Rasch Model Measurement Theory (TMR) and (3) the agri-food sector. He is currently administrator of the Escue­la Politécnica Superior de Ingeniería (EPSI) at the Universidad de La Laguna and a lec­turer-tutor at the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED).


Zuleica Ruiz-Alfonso holds a doc­torate from the Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación at the Universidad de Las Pal­mas de Gran Canaria. She is currently working as a postdoctoral researcher as part of the Juan de la Cierva-Incorpora­tion Programme at the Departamento de Didáctica e Investigación Educativa de la Universidad de La Laguna, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innova­tion. Her main line of research focuses on analysing how to improve student in­volvement and performance through var­iables capable of being modified, such as the effectiveness of teaching and passion for learning.


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Palabras clave | Keywords

addiction, Rasch model, social networks, undergraduates