Service-learning has spread significantly in higher education in recent decades. Its effects in the academic field (students and teachers) and in the community (disadvantaged groups at risk of social exclusion and socio-educational partners) are backed by research. However, few works have considered the evaluation of these projects, and there are few instruments available for guiding their development and for assessing their quality. The aim of this study is to develop criteria to evaluate university service-learning projects. To do so, we used the Delphi method with three rounds of expert consultation. The result is a university service-learning, indicator matrix with 9 dimensions and 43 indicators. We conclude that, as well as evaluating the quality of service-learning projects, this instrument could also be valid for validating social innovation from the educational sphere. The principal limitations to overcome are the still-existing welfare perspective and difficulties with involving the recipients of the service.
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Citación recomendada | Recommended citation
Construcción y validación de un instrumento para la evaluación de la calidad de proyectos de aprendizaje-servicio universitario a través del método Delphi | Construction and validation of an instrument for evaluating the quality of university service-learning projects using the Delphi method. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 81 (285), 381-402. 10.22550/REP81-2-2023-07
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Palabras clave | Keywords
Delphi method, instrument, quality of programs, service-learning