



Feedback in the evaluation process has become more important in teaching practice since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. The aim of the present study is to analyse the construct validity and reliability of the Socioformative Analytical Rubric for the Assessment of Assertive Feedback (RASERA). This instrument was applied to a sample of 525 students from normal schools in Mexico. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis were used to analyse its construct validity. Its reliability was analysed using Cronbach’s alpha. The results of the first analysis revealed the formation of two factors; the first, we called execution of assertive feedback and the second, representativeness of assertive feedback. These two factors explained more than 65% of the variance and all of the items with significant factor loadings were found in them (FL > 0.50). For its part, the CFA revealed a good fit of this model (Ratio χ2/df: 2.284; GFI: 0.909; RMSEA: 0.068; RMR: 0.035; CFI: 0.966; TLI: 0.955). For each factor, the average variance extracted, and the composite reliability were pertinent (AVE > 0.50 and CR > 0.70) and each item showed an adequate standardised factor load (SFL > 0.50). The reliability analysis gave optimal factor values (Cronbach’s alpha and McDonald’s omega > 0.85). We conclude that the RASERA instrument has adequate psychometric properties.

Please, cite this article as follows: Berlanga Ramírez, M. L., & Juárez Hernández, L. G. (2022). Validez de constructo de un instrumento para evaluar la retroalimentación asertiva en la formación inicial del profesorado | Construct validity of an instrument to assess assertive feedback in initial teacher training. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 80 (283), 583-600. 10.22550/REP80-3-2022-08

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Author Biography

María de la Luz Berlanga Ramírez. Doctoral candidate at the Centro Univer- sitario CIFE. Professor-Researcher at the Escuela Normal Superior del Estado de Coahuila. Her current research interests are in the field of evaluation in teacher training.


Luis Gibran Juárez-Hernández. Doctor of Biological and Health Sciences from the Universidad Autónoma Metro- politana. Professor–Researcher at the Centro Universitario CIFE. His current research interests are the fields of evalu- ation instruments, sustainable development, and ecology.


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Palabras clave | Keywords

assertiveness, factoranalysis, validation