



Working with pupils on appropriate social-emotional education in schools will bring numerous benefits for human beings and for the society of the future (Monjas and González, 2000). The objective of this research is to verify to what extent the students who participate in the programme significantly improve their emotional and social competence. The method used was a quasi-experimental pre-test/post- est design with a non-equivalent control group. Statistical analysis was performed using IBM SPSS software (version 25.0) and the EXCEL spreadsheet (Microsoft Office 2019) and the non-parametric Wilcoxon and Mann Whitney test was used to see if there were statistically significant differences between the different groups. A total of 173 5-year-old pupils participated in the study, of which 89 were from the experimental group and 84 from the control group, all of them from Murcia (Spain). The experimental group was enrolled in the Annual Emotional Intelligence Programme (EMOTI1) (Hurtado and Salas, 2019), and the measuring instrument used was the questionnaire for students on social competence (Caruana and Tercero, 2011). The results showed that the children who participated in the study were less aggressive and showed greater social and communicative competence. After the programme, the pupils in the experimental group interact with each other in a more sociable way and better express their emotions; they develop less violent behaviour and better know how to resolve conflict situations, which has a very positive impact on their emotional and social development.

Please, cite this article as follows: Salas Román, N., Alcaide Risoto, M., & Hue García, C. (2022). Mejora de las competencias socioemocionales en alumnos de educación infantil a través de la educación emocional | Improving socio-emotional competencies in pre- school pupils through emotional education. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 80 (283), 517-532. 10.22550/REP80-3-2022-05

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Author Biography

Noelia Salas Román is a Teacher with a Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education, with 18 years’ teaching experience in different stages of the education system. She holds a Master’s Degree in Conflict Resolution in the Classroom. She has conducted several studies on emotional intelligence and is a trainer on courses for teachers on emotional intelligence.


Margarita Alcaide Risoto is an Associate Professor at the Universidad Camilo José Cela. Doctor and graduate in Psychopedagogy, University of Jaén. Teacher on the doctoral programme at the Ibero-American University Foundation, in the subject of Applied Didactics. Member of the ‘Research and Educational Development in Orientation’ research group in Jaén and member of the international scientific board of the REID journal.


Carlos Hue García was an Adjunct Professor for twenty years at the Universidad de Zaragoza. He graduated in Psychology (1974) and Pedagogy (1975) at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He has wide-ranging experience from working as a psychologist and pedagogist for the Regional Government of Aragón, Spain. Among other publications, those of note are Pensamiento emocional: un método para el desarrollo de la autoestima y el liderazgo (Emotional thinking: a method to develop self-esteem and leadership’) (Mira, 2007) and Bienestar docente y pensamiento emocional (Teacher well-being and emotional thinking) (Wolters Kluwer, 2008). He gives courses, talks, and conferences at universities in Spain, Portugal, Peru, Colombia, Mexico, Chile, and Argentina.


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Palabras clave | Keywords

emotional intelligence, social competencies, violent behaviour