



The interaction between health-related quality of life and parenting styles can give rise to perceptions that influence behaviour in adolescents. It is thought to affect key el- ements in the emotional development of stu- dents at a very important stage. Therefore, the aim of this study was to explore the re- lationship between health-related quality of life and perceived parental educational style as a function of parental gender. A total of 253 adolescents aged 11 and 18 years were selected from secondary schools in a region of south-eastern Spain. The Scale of Norms and Demands Children’s Version (ENE-H by its Spanish acronym) and the Short Form-36 Health Survey (SF-36) were used. This was a quantitative research project and data mining was used for data analysis. The results showed that the inductive parenting style is related to physical role, emotional problems, vitality, emotional well-being, pain and general health. We also observed that the rigid style is neg- atively related to physical role, vitality, emo- tional well-being, social functioning, pain and general health. Finally, the indulgent style is negatively related to pain. The findings shed light on the need to provide health-related training programmes that consider family characteristics.

Please, cite this article as follows: Jódar Martínez, R., Martín Chaparro, M. P., Hidalgo Montesinos, M. D., & Martínez Ramón J. P. (2022). Percepción del estilo parental y calidad de vida relacionada con la salud entre adolescentes | Perceived parenting style and quality of life related to health among adolescents. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 80 (283), 559-581. 10.22550/REP80-3-2022-07

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Author Biography

Rosalía Jódar Martínez holds a PhD in psychology. She works as a Lecturer in psychology at the Universidad Católica de Ávila and is the work placement coordinator for the master’s degree in gener- al health psychology. Her main research interests include emotional intelligence, social and health psychology, educational psychology and artificial intelligence.


María del Pilar Martín Chaparro holds an undergraduate degree in psychology, a master’s degree in clinical and health psychology and a PhD in psychology (Universidad de Granada). She is currently secretary of the School of Psychology Practice and lecturer at the Department of Psychiatry and Social Psychology at the Universidad de Murcia. She has worked as a visiting research scholar at the University of Connecticut (USA) and has participated in numerous national and international. Her main research interests are resilience and health in the fields of psychology, public relations, mental health, family and suicide prevention. conferences.


María Dolores Hidalgo Montesinos holds a PhD in psychology. She is currently a Professor in psychometrics at the Psychology Department at the Universidad de Murcia. Some of her work has focused on the transcultural adaptation of scales of social anxiety and interpersonal difficulties in adolescents and on the development of new tools in health psychology. Her primary areas of research are differential item functioning (DIF), item response theory (IRT), transcultural test adaptation and the development of evaluation tests and surveys.


Juan Pedro Martínez Ramón holds a degree and a PhD in psychology, a degree in educational psychology and a master’s degree in neurophysiology and education. He has worked for around 15 years on guidance teams and in secondary schools in the field of educational guidance. He is currently a Lecturer at the Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology at the Universidad de Murcia. His main research interests include coexistence and educational psychology, with a special focus on artificial intelligence, stress, bullying, coping and resilience.


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