
Diferencias en la formación del profesorado en competencia digital y su aplicación en el aula. Estudio comparado por niveles educativos entre España y Francia




In today’s information society, digital competence is an essential tool in teaching and learning processes. The aim of this comparative study was to identify differences in initial and in-service ICT (Information and Communication Technology) training and in the use of these tools in the classroom between teachers in Spain and in France. Data from the OECD’s Teaching and Learning International Survey - TALIS 2018, which collects information on different aspects of teacher training, were used for the analysis. After merging the databases, a final sample of 19,088 primary (ISCED 1) and lower secondary (ISCED 2) teachers was used. The results of this study showed parity in the level of initial training among primary school teachers and a lower level of initial training among Spanish secondary school teachers compared to their French counterparts. In-service training and application of digital resources and tools in classroom were significantly higher in the case of Spanish teachers. No significant variations were found according to years of teaching experience. It is concluded that there is a need to strengthen ICT training at the initial stage and modify in-service training in Spain so that it can lead to increased application of these tools in teaching and learning processes.

Please, cite this article as follows: González-Rodríguez, D., Rodríguez-Esteban, A., & González-Mayorga, H. (2022). Diferencias en la formación del profesorado en competencia digital y su aplicación en el aula. Estudio comparado por niveles educativos entre España y Francia | Differences in teachers’ training in digital competence and its application in the classroom: A comparative study by educational levels between Spain and France. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 80 (282), 371-389. 10.22550/REP80-2-2022-06

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Author Biography

Diego González-Rodríguez holds a PhD in Educational Psychology and Educational Sciences from the Universidad de León. He is an Assistant Professor in the Area of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education. His research focuses on school dropout and academic performance during the transition from primary to secondary education, as well as on teaching competences. He is a member of the ÉVORI research group (https://www.evori.net).


Agustín Rodríguez-Esteban holds a PhD in Psychology and Educational Sciences. He is an Assistant Professor in the MIDE area at the Universidad de León. His main lines of research focus on the acquisition of competences, studies on higher education and employability. He has participated in several projects funded by the European Commission. He is a member of the ÉVORI research group (https://www.evori.net).


Héctor González-Mayorga holds a PhD in Educational Psychology and Educational Sciences from the Universidad de León. He is an Associate Professor in the Area of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education, and Primary Education Teacher. His research focuses on the impact of large-scale assessments of the education system (PISA and TALIS) and on initial and in-service teacher training. He is a member of the ÉVORI research group (https://www.evori.net).


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Palabras clave | Keywords

digital competence, digital culture, information society, teaching practice