
Al alba de la humanización: Cultura proyecta sombra de poliedro, género de mujer y práctica de magisterio




The most commonly used meaning of the word culture relates to objects: the produc­tion-creation of cultural objects, knowledge, and institutions. The invention of the term in­volved a metaphorical transfer, which did not consider processes linked with child rearing; agents involved, especially women and teach­ers of basic skills, were forgotten. We argue that teaching of knowledge, skills and valua­tions are fundamental in the development of the human mind and come together in the concept of teaching or education. Women and teachers played a leading role in this scenario and patterns of development-upbringing were a fundamental stage. We have built our proof using overlapping historical and anthropologi­cal data that allow us to conclude that teaching is a distinguishing feature of the genus Homo. Homo docens might offer a perspective for the elaboration of an anthropology of education.

Please, cite this article as follows: García Carrasco, J., & Donoso González, M. (2022). Al alba de la humanización: Cultura proyecta sombra de poliedro, género de mujer y práctica de magisterio | At the dawn of humanisation: Culture casts a polyhedral shadow, the female gender and teaching practice. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 80 (282), 251-267. 10.22550/REP80-2-2022-05

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Author Biography

Joaquín García Carrasco is Profes­sor of Pedagogy in the Faculty of Education at the Universidad de Salamanca. He has been Head of the Research Unit of the Uni­versity Institute for Education Sciences and is Director of the Multimedia and Online Training Educational Design Labo­ratory. For 10 years he has been director of the Revista Interuniversitaria de Teoría de la Educación. He is now honorary director of EKS-Education in the Knowledge Soci­ety. In the European sphere, he has been Director of International Relations at the Universidad de Salamanca for 10 years, a representative on the Liaison Committee of the European University Association and a representative of the Universidad de Salamanca at the Coimbra Group of uni­versities, among others. His recent publi­cations centre on anthropology and philos­ophy of education, with a special interest in the concept of education and culture.


Macarena Donoso González has a Degree in Pedagogy and Doctorate in Edu­cation from the Universidad de Sevilla. She has been an FPU research trainee through Spain’s Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sports in the Department of Theory and History of Education and Social Ped­agogy at the Universidad de Sevilla and a visiting researcher at universities in Eu­rope and Latin America. She is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Education of the Universidad Nebrija on the Bachelor’s in Early Years Teaching, as well as on the Master’s in Teacher Train­ing. She is also Coordinator of the Univer­sity Master’s in Educational Psychology at the same university. She is a member of the consolidated Universidad Complutense de Madrid research group, “Civic Culture and Educational Policies”. Her most recent publications centre on the anthropology and philosophy of education, as well as en­gagement and stress in teachers.


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