La educación moral a partir de Levinas: otro modelo educativo
This work takes Levinasian ethics and anthropology as sources to inspire a new pedagogical discourse and educational praxis in the field of moral education. In this paradigm, the human being is a historical, situational being that is open to the other from its vulnerability. Accordingly, moral education becomes a compassionate, welcoming response to the other in its situation of special need. The authors highlight the close link between education and a particular conception of the human being and how it relates to others. To ask about education is to ask about the human. Levinasian ethics do not back setting specific guidelines for educational action; they only justify the creation of an educational climate (ethos) in classrooms that favours openness to the other through action in the following areas of intervention: pupils’ experience as a space of encounter; teachers’ testimony; attention to students in their context; the need to examine the sense of responsibilty further; and the pedagogy of donation. Moral education, based on Levinasian ethics, can serve to increase alerity and humanise the school and society.
Please, cite this article as follows: Ortega Ruiz, P., & Romero Sánchez, E. (2022). La educación moral a partir de Levinas: otro modelo educativo | Moral education from Levinas: Another educational model. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 80 (282), 233-249. 10.22550/REP80-2-2022-01
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Citación recomendada | Recommended citation
Ortega Ruiz, P. & Romero Sánchez, E. (2022). La educación moral a partir de Levinas: otro modelo educativo | Moral education from Levinas: Another educational model. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 80 (282), 233-249. 10.22550/REP80-2-2022-01
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