
La educación moral a partir de Levinas: otro modelo educativo




This work takes Levinasian ethics and anthropology as sources to inspire a new pedagogical discourse and educational prax­is in the field of moral education. In this paradigm, the human being is a historical, situational being that is open to the other from its vulnerability. Accordingly, moral education becomes a compassionate, wel­coming response to the other in its situation of special need. The authors highlight the close link between education and a particu­lar conception of the human being and how it relates to others. To ask about education is to ask about the human. Levinasian eth­ics do not back setting specific guidelines for educational action; they only justify the creation of an educational climate (ethos) in classrooms that favours openness to the other through action in the following are­as of intervention: pupils’ experience as a space of encounter; teachers’ testimony; attention to students in their context; the need to examine the sense of responsibilty further; and the pedagogy of donation. Mor­al education, based on Levinasian ethics, can serve to increase alerity and humanise the school and society.

Please, cite this article as follows: Ortega Ruiz, P., & Romero Sánchez, E. (2022). La educación moral a partir de Levinas: otro modelo educativo | Moral education from Levinas: Another educational model. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 80 (282), 233-249. 10.22550/REP80-2-2022-01

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Author Biography

Pedro Ortega Ruiz holds a doctor-ate in Pedagogy. He has studied pedagogy at the Università Pontificia Salesiana in Rome, the Universidad de Valencia and the Universidad de Murcia. He is a re-tired Professor of the Theory and His­tory of Education at the Universidad de Murcia. He is co-author of books like: La enseñanza de actitudes y valores [Teaching attitudes and values] (1986); La educación moral del ciudadano de hoy [The moral education of the cit-izen of today] (2001) o A la intemperie. Conv­ersaciones desde la pedagogía de la alteridad [In the open: conversations from the pedago­gy of otherness] (2019). He holds the Educa­tion and Values Distinguished Chair at the Cetys-Universidad (Mexico) and is director of REDIPE (the Ibero-American Pedagogy Network).


Eduardo Romero Sánchez is Professor in the Department of Theory and His- tory of Education at the Universidad de Murcia. He is a member of the Education in Values Research Group and coordinator of the Research Area of the Social Exclu- sion Observatory at the Universidad de Murcia. His principal academic contribu- tions focus on the following lines: the phi- losophical and anthropological dimension of education; Levinasian ethics and the pedagogy of otherness; and processes of social and educational exclusion. He holds the Education and Values Distinguished Chair at the Cetys-Universidad (Mexico). He is currently taking part in the Conste- llations of authoritarianism: memory and presence of a threat to democracy from a philosophical and interdisciplinary pers- pective research project with the Institute of Philosophy of the CSIC (Spain’s natio- nal research council).


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Palabras clave | Keywords

educational climate, welcoming