La transmisión de los contenidos culturales y su evaluación entre los fines del sistema educativo, según la LOMLOE
* Organic Law 3/2020, of 29 December, which amends Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, on Education.
This article seeks to reflect on the place that school results or outcomes have among the rest of the education system’s objectives, on the understanding that alongside its traditional qualification function, an education system also has a socialisation and subjectification function. Yet, none of these three functions can be considered independent of the other two. If the qualification function is centred exclusively on certain areas and chooses to neglect all others, the consequences of this will be reflected in the other two domains. If we drain the socialisation and subjectification functions of any relationship with the transmission of cultural knowledge or if this knowledge is unrelated to either of these two functions, it will gradually lose all meaning and we will find ourselves left with a certain type of disinherited citizen, equipped with no other arms to interpret the world than that of a decontextualized, dominant way of thinking. In recent years, we have been witnesses to the progressive deterioration of the role that the transmission of knowledge plays in school. This transmission is the education system’s particular way of contributing to the social and subjective training of citizens, and the crisis it is undergoing opens the door to a change in the system’s objectives. This change in the consideration of the role to be played by content is reflected in Spain’s new education law, the LOMLOE, in which the way teachers teach is given more importance than what they teach. This shift in direction is also reflected in the way this Law considers the evaluation of performance and in the increasing weight it assigns to other different criteria when determining whether a student can move up to the next grade. Here, we argue for a return to the measurement of school results and student performance in their most basic summative sense, in order that we might once more value the knowledge accumulated over the centuries as the best source of socialisation, subjectification and qualification.
Please, cite this article as follows: Gaviria, J. L., & Reyero, D. (2022). La transmisión de los contenidos culturales y su evaluación entre los fines del sistema educativo, según la LOMLOE | The transmission of cultural content and its evaluation among the ends of the education system: An analysis of the LOMLOE. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 80 (281), 31-53. 10.22550/REP80-1-2022-06
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Citación recomendada | Recommended citation
Gaviria, J. L. & Reyero, D. (2022). La transmisión de los contenidos culturales y su evaluación entre los fines del sistema educativo, según la LOMLOE | The transmission of cultural content and its evaluation among the ends of the education system: An analysis of the LOMLOE. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 80 (281), 31-53. 10.22550/REP80-1-2022-06
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Palabras clave | Keywords
culturaltransmission, educationallegislation, performanceevaluation