
Las finalidades de la educación y la LOMLOE: cuestiones controvertidas en la acción educativa




The LOMLOE (Organic Law 3/2020, of 29 December, which amends Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, on Education), like any other law con­cerning education in an advanced democratic society, puts in place a new system to achieve the aims of education. However, as with any other education law, its wording and imple­mentation raise contentious issues. Some are political in nature while others are more spe­cific to the pedagogical field. In any case, they all relate to the purposes of education. This paper presents some of these controversial issues, perhaps the ones that are causing the most debate at a social level, especially in the field of education. These issues are: the idea of educational and social inclusion and how it is managed with regard to state-funded pri­vate centres, in particular ones that follow a single-gender education model and ones that cater for special educational needs; the com­petence-based curriculum and all that this en­tails; the objective of educational success and the role of evaluation in achieving it; and fi­nally, the question of religion. This article does not set out to criticise the new education law. Instead, it seeks to consider how these contro­versial issues relate to the purposes of educa­tion. It concludes that the LOMLOE has some good points but that at the same time a politi­cal approach to the pedagogical predominates, which instead of integrating and opening itself to freedom and plurality, eliminates options without considering pedagogical arguments.

Please, cite this article as follows: Esteban Bara, F., & Gil Cantero, F. (2022). Las finalidades de la educación y la LOMLOE: cuestiones controvertidas en la acción educativa | The purposes of education and Spain’s LOMLOE educational legislation: controversial questions in educational action. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 80 (281), 13-29. 10.22550/REP80-1-2022-04

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Author Biography

Francisco Esteban Bara is Associ­ate Professor in the Department of Theory and History of Education at the Univer­sitat de Barcelona. He has been visiting professor at various universities in Latin America and at the Center for Character and Citizenship at the University of Missouri-St. Louis-College of Education. In recent years he has been the Represent­ative of the Rector of the Student Obser­vatory of the Universitat de Barcelona and Vice-Rector for Communication at this university. His most recent books are: La Universidad light [The light university] (Editorial Paidós) and Ética del profesora­do [Ethics of teachers] (Editorial Herder).


Fernando Gil Cantero holds a chair in Theory of Education in the Department of Educational Studies of the Faculty of Education (Teacher Training Centre) at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He is co-director with Professor David Reyero of the Anthropology and Philos­ophy of Education Research Group (GI­AFE) at the UCM. Winner of the Premio Esteve (2012). Editor since January 2019 of the journal Teoría de la Educación. Re­vista Interuniversitaria.


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