El enfoque del currículo por competencias. Un análisis de la LOMLOE
* Organic Law 3/2020, of 29 December, which amends Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, on Education.
The competency-based curriculum approach is an international focus that embodies a trait which is widely shared around the world in today’s educational scenario. It is deemed a response to the challenges faced by societies today, in the era of modern globalisation and the fourth industrial revolution. In Spain, the recently passed Organic Law Amending the Law on Education (hereinafter, LOMLOE) has developed legislation that is now reaching the curriculum. Therefore, it is appropriate to analyse such legislation. This is the purpose of this paper, which describes some of the institutional history behind this curriculum reform movement; the humanistic component of the movement, which remains connected to so-called “liberal education” while broadening its perspectives, is specified; certain elements of the ideological controversy around this new curricular approach and its rendering in the new law are described; a critical analysis of the conceptual foundations of the new structure is made and its limitations are indicated; attention is drawn to the central role of evaluation of learning outcomes and the paper ends with a succinct conclusion.
Please, cite this article as follows: López Rupérez, F. (2022). El enfoque del currículo por competencias. Un análisis de la LOMLOE | The competency-based curriculum approach. An analysis of the LOMLOE. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 80 (281), 161-174. 10.22550/REP80-1-2022-05
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Citación recomendada | Recommended citation
López Rupérez, F. (2022). El enfoque del currículo por competencias. Un análisis de la LOMLOE | The competency-based curriculum approach. An analysis of the LOMLOE. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 80 (281), 55-68. 10.22550/REP80-1-2022-05
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