
Pluralismo educativo y niños vulnerables




Once again Spain has adopted a compre­hensive education law. It is not my place, nor am I competent, to comment on the contro-versial process leading to this legislation, nor to its changes in the framework for the provi­sion of schooling. The legislation offers an ap­propriate occasion, however, to seek answers to several questions relevant to every free so­ciety: What are the appropriate scope and limit of any government’s role, in a free society, in the formation of its citizens? How have these changed in a time of growing cultural conflict? What arrangements for schooling are best suit­ed to accommodating deeply-rooted cultural di-visions while nurturing the qualities that cit­izens should possess? How can these arrange­ments serve as a vehicle for both freedom and justice, especially for those children who are most vulnerable?

Please, cite this article as follows: Glenn, C. L. (2022). Pluralismo educativo y niños vulnerables | Educational pluralism and vulnerable children. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 80 (281), 91-116. 10.22550/REP80-1-2022-01

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Author Biography

Charles L. Glenn is Professor Emeritus of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at Boston University. From 1970 to 1991 he was Director of urban ed-ucation and equity for the Massachusetts Department of Education. Glenn has pub­lished more than a dozen books on historical and comparative dimensions of educational freedom and on the education of immigrant and racial minorities, most recently Muslim educators in American communities (2018), and co-edited a four-volume work with chap­ters on 65 national systems of education.


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Palabras clave | Keywords

civic, immigrant, Islamic, minority, pluralism, trust