



Apps that help art teachers work on areas relating directly to artistic competences are a valuable digital teaching resource. In this study we call them art apps. Aims: To validate a measurement instrument for digital applica­tions based on the results we obtained in the first design phase, and to modify the items and identify factors. Methodology: We carried out three processes in this second phase. An exploratory factorial analysis, a pre-confirm­atory analysis, and a confirmatory factorial analysis adjusted by the global or absolute fit indices for all of the scales of the test. This was based on an evaluation battery comprising 98 items distributed in three dimensions and four scales: artistic dimension (expressive and perceptive domain), technical dimension, and pedagogical dimension. Results: We obtained a definitive model of all the scales with optimal values in all the adjustment indicators. Dis­cussion/Conclusion: After completing this pro­cess, we designed the definitive test based on the results of the fitting. Taking into account the resulting number of items (74), the num­ber of factors (8), and the wording of each one, we consider it to be a useful and viable tool for evaluating art apps by connecting their ar­tistic, technical, and pedagogical dimensions according to the needs and possibilities of the educational activities.

Please, cite this article as follows: Ordoñez Fernández, F. F., Caeiro Rodríguez, M., Barbero Franco, A. M., Martínez Oña, M. M., & Torres Pérez, A. (2021). Validación de un instrumento de evaluación de apps de arte que permiten desarrollar la competencia artística en entornos digitales | Validation of an instrument to evaluate art apps that enable the development of artistic skills in digital settings. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 79 (280), 515-536. 10.22550/REP79-3-2021-02

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Author Biography

Feliciano F. Ordóñez Fernández. Doctorate in Psychology from the Univer­sidad de Oviedo (1993). He is currently an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Edu­cation at the Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (UNIR). His research interests cen­tre on research methodology and statistics.


Martín Caeiro Rodríguez. Doctorate in Fine Arts from the Universidad de Vigo (2008). He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Education at the Universi­dad de Zaragoza affiliated to the Department of Didactics of Musical, Visual, and Corporeal Expression. His research interests centre on online art education, art and cognition, art education teaching and learning methodolo­gies, and art-based research.


Ana María Barbero Franco. Doc­torate in Fine Arts from the Universidad de Salamanca (2007). She is currently an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Ed­ucation at the Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (UNIR). Her research interests focus on online art education, developing creativity, heritage education, and manag­ing historical heritage.


María del Mar Martínez-Oña. Grad­uate in History of Art (1998) and doctorate in Women’s Studies and Gender Studies (2015) from the Universidad de Grana­da. She currently works as a Professor of Practice at the ESNE (University School of Design, Innovation, and Technology), a centre attached to the Universidad Camilo José Cela (Madrid). Her research interests focus on gender studies and innovation in teaching with digital technologies.


Alberto Torres Pérez. Gradu­ate in Fine Arts from the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (1997). He is an Associate Professor at the Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR) in the Faculty of Education. His research interests focus on online artistic educa­tion and teaching innovation with digital technologies.


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Palabras clave | Keywords

artisticcompetence, constructvalidity, evaluationinstrument