



The levels of Self-Perceived and Ob­served Information Literacy for a sample of in-service teachers and future teachers of Primary and Secondary Education are analysed as a whole and by its components of Searching for, Evaluating, Processing and Communicating Information. To do so, two validated tools are used which enable us to obtain Self-Perceived Information Literacy levels (through a self-assessment question­naire) and Observed Information Literacy levels (through performance measures) from 442 in-service teachers and future teachers of 7 educational institutions in 4 provinces of Castile and Leon (Spain). The results of the descriptive and inferential analyses show that the Self-Perceived Information Liter­acy is overestimated compared to the Ob­served Information Literacy for all groups, especially among future Primary Education teachers, with the in-service Secondary Edu­cation teachers showing the least difference between self-perception and performance. The Observed Information Literacy is at its best level among the Secondary Educa­tion teachers and lowest level among the future Primary Education teachers. At each educational level the performance of in-ser­vice teachers is always higher than the per­formance of future teachers, indicating the preponderance of experience versus the gen­erational effect. The components of the Ob­served Information Literacy with the lowest values for all groups are Searching for and Evaluating Information and, therefore, spe­cific training activities are recommended.

Please, cite this article as follows: Nieto-Isidro, S., Martínez-Abad, F., & Rodríguez-Conde, M.-J. (2021). Presente y futuro de la Competencia Informacional Docente en educación obligatoria | Present and future of Teachers’ Information Literacy in compulsory education. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 79 (280), 477-496. 10.22550/REP79-3-2021-07

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Author Biography

Susana Nieto-Isidro. PhD in Math­ematical Sciences from the Universidad de Salamanca and Senior Lecturer in the Department of Applied Mathematics of said University. Member of the Univer­sidad de Salamanca’s University Insti­tute of Education Sciences (IUCE) and research member of the Educational As­sessment and Guidance Group (GE2O) in the Consolidated Research Department of the Regional Government of Castile and Leon on Interaction and E-learning (GRIAL).


Fernando Martínez-Abad. PhD in Education Sciences from the Universidad de Salamanca and Senior Lecturer in the area of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education at the same university. Mem­ber of the Universidad de Salamanca’s University Institute of Education Sciences (IUCE) and research member of the Edu­cational Assessment and Guidance Group (GE2O) in the Consolidated Research Department of the Regional Government of Castile and Leon on Interaction and E-learning (GRIAL).


María-José Rodríguez-Conde. Uni-versity Professor of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education. She man­ages the Educational Assessment and Guidance Group (GE2O) in the Consol­idated Research Department of the Re­gional Government of Castile and Leon on Interaction and E-learning (GRIAL) and is currently Vice-Rector for Teach­ing and Innovation in Education at the Universidad de Salamanca. She has co­ordinated numerous Spanish research projects (R&D) and participated in inter­national, European (H2020, Erasmus+) and Latin American (World Bank, AE­CID) projects.


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Palabras clave | Keywords

in-serviceteachertraining, informationevaluation, informationliteracy, primaryeducation