



A good climate of harmonious coexistence in educational institutions can improve stu­dents’ well-being, self-esteem, and academic results and prevent maladaptive behaviours. Several questionnaires assess coexistence by quantifying the types of problems that occur, but there are few that focus on managing it and implementing programmes to improve it. The aim of the present research is to validate a questionnaire for evaluating students’ percep­tion of the management of school coexistence. This questionnaire centres on the 21-item In­tegrated Model of School Coexistence. We used random cluster and stratified sampling with the participation of 1169 students from 34 centres in year six of primary education and secondary education from the Autonomous Community of Madrid. The questionnaire was validated by expert judgement. We used the SPSS v24 and AMOS programs to perform exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, respectively. The results show 4 factors with reliability indices ranging between .737 and .859 (Factor 1, protective framework for coex­istence; Factor 2, student mediator program; Factor 3, student assistant program; Factor 4, democratic rule-making processes). Finally the empirical fit with the Integrated Model for fostering more harmonious relations in school communities was confirmed.

Please, cite this article as follows: Torrego Seijo, J. C., García Sanz, M. P., Hernández Prados, M. Á., & Bueno Villaverde, Á. (2021). Diseño y validación de un instrumento para valorar la convivencia escolar percibida por los estudiantes | Design and validation of an instrument to assess students’ perceived school coexistence. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 79 (279), 209-229. 10.22550/REP79-2-2021-04

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Author Biography

Juan Carlos Torrego Seijo. UNED special doctoral prize. Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Scienc­es of the Universidad de Alcalá. Director of the Postgraduate Programme in Coex­istence. Coordinator of the Universidad de Alcalá research group Educational In­clusion and Improvement: Cooperative Learning, Coexistence and Mediation.


María Paz García Sanz was award­ed a special final degree project prize and has a doctorate in Pedagogy. She is Asso­ciate Professor at the Universidad de Murcia (Spain) and is a member of the Sharing Ed­ucation research group. Her main research interests are: family-educational centre relationships; evaluating educational pro­grammes; research methods and planning, learning, and evaluating competences.


María Ángeles Hernández Prados. Associate Professor at the Universidad de Murcia. Special final degree project prize and doctorate in Pedagogy. Collaborating member of the Sharing Education research group. Her research interests include: val­ues education, school coexistence, techno­logical responsibility, and family-school.


Ángeles Bueno Villaverde. Associ­ate Professor at the Universidad Camilo José Cela and Coordinator of IB (Interna­tional Baccalaureate) Certification. Doctor of Educational Psychology. Master’s in In­ternational Education and Bilingualism. Her research interests include: education­al innovation, educational leadership, fam­ily participation, high intellectual capacity, and international education.


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Palabras clave | Keywords

measuringinstrument, mediation, peacefulcoexistence, programmeevaluation, questionnaire, schoolclimate