



Different studies show that western soci­ety is living at a frenetic pace. Paradoxically, despite having many tools for managing and saving time, we find that we increasingly have less of it. To challenge this dizzying en­vironment, movements have arisen that seek to rebel against this accelerated pace, such as the so-called ‘slow movement’. The edu­cational field is not oblivious to this problem and pedagogical initiatives and approaches have arisen that try to combat said pace at school level, including the so-called ‘slow ed­ucation’. Based on a study carried out in Italy on Pedagogia della Lumaca, devised by the teacher, Gianfranco Zavalloni, an attempt is made to develop his pedagogy by identifying those who influenced his educational pro­posal, known in Spain as La Pedagogía del Caracol (Pedagogy of the Snail). Further­more, this study also aims to reveal how the proposal could be established, identify the principles on which it would be based and to outline some of its educational purposes. The study has been carried out under a qualita­tive methodology, through techniques such as a bibliographic and documentary review of Zavalloni’s works, and several interviews with his closest personal and professional acquaintances. According to the data obtained, it can be said that, more than an approach, a pedagogical model or a methodology, it is a pedagogical trend from which an educational method, from a child-centred perspective, can be established. As with slow education, one of the aims of Pedagogy of the Snail is to offer a framework to those pedagogues who value time in education and who seek to provide their children with the values required to be masters of their own time.

Please, cite this article as follows: Sánchez-Serrano, S. (2021). La Pedagogía del Caracol. Una rebelión a favor de la lentitud | Pedagogy of the Snail: A rebellion in favour of slowness. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 79 (279), 305-320. 10.22550/REP79-2-2021-03

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Author Biography

Silvia Sánchez-Serrano. PhD in education from the Universidad Com­plutense de Madrid. She has worked as a FPU researcher for the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport at the De­partment of Educational Studies in the Education Faculty (UCM) and has been a visiting researcher in universities in Eu­rope and Latin America. She is currently working as a professor of the Department of Education at the Universidad Antonio de Nebrija. She is a member of the con­solidated UCM research group, ‘Cultura Cívica y Políticas Educativas’. Her most recent publications and lines of research focus on civic education, educative time and alternative pedagogy and their ef­fects on comprehensive childhood devel­opment.


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Palabras clave | Keywords

alternativepedagogy, educationaltheories, educativetime, teachingmodels.