
El asombro: una emoción para el acceso a la sabiduría




Awe is a classic concept with an important place in the history of philosophy, since it is regarded as the beginning of the development of thought, as we know it today. However, until now it has historically received little attention in the field of education, although in recent years it has been the subject of renewed attention for a variety of reasons. These include a growing discomfort with curriculum designs that reflect a frenetic culture with a clear tendency towards activism and instrumentalism. This work explores the concept of awe, considering some current approaches from the philosophy of education, at the same as providing new perspectives, considering the links between awe and wisdom as well as conditions that make awe possible, such as humility, gratitude, contemplation of the environment, and appreciation of the intrinsic value of what is observed. Moreover, it suggests three areas for fostering awe in schools. These include: creating opportunities for contact with truth, beauty, and goodness; promoting a greater immersion in natural environments; and reducing the pace of educational activity.

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Author Biography

Juan Luis Fuentes. European doctorate with special prize from the Univer sidad Complutense de Madrid. Associate Professor in the Department of Educa- tional Studies of the Faculty of Education (UCM), Dean’s Representative for Community Relations, and Coordinator of the Master’s in Advanced Studies in Social Education. His research interests include character education, social pedagogy, and the use of technology from an ethical-civic perspective.


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Palabras clave | Keywords

art, emotion, environmentalprotection, thinking