El cultivo inteligente de las emociones morales en la adolescencia
This article examines the relationship between emotional intelligence, emotional competence, and emotional education, with special reference to moral emotions applied to secondary education. Emotional education is a continuous and permanent educational process that occurs throughout life with the objective of developing emotional competences. Emotional intelligence in education is the foundation of these competences. There is currently abundant evidence for the benefits for students of emotional education. Its most notable effects include improved ethical and moral behaviour, the development of prosocial behaviours, and improved emotional competences, resulting in improved coexistence and well-being. Emotional education can address a multitude of topics, including emotional awareness and regulation, emotional autonomy, self-esteem, self-motivation, social skills, assertiveness, empathy, life skills, well-being, etc. This work focuses on moral emotions and values as an important aspect of education in adolescence. Adolescence is a developmental stage with significant changes and instability in moods that justifies the need to develop emotional intelligence in the educational field, specifically the education of moral emotions. Therefore, this work offers practical considerations for inclusion in the secondary education stage where the figure of the teacher has a key role as a model and educational reference.
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Citación recomendada | Recommended citation
Alzina, R. B.,
López-Cassà, È.
The intelligent cultivation of moral emotions in adolescence.
Revista Española de Pedagogía, 79(278).
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Palabras clave | Keywords
emotionalcompetences, emotionaleducation, emotionalintelligence, moralemotions