La actividad física como medio para cultivar la inteligencia en el contexto escolar
Intelligence is considered to be the ability to understand, reason, and make decisions based on a given situation. Neuroeducational advances in recent decades show that physical activity is a key variable for adequate development of intelligence, especially during the complex stage of adolescence. Numerous cross-sectional studies have considered the link between physical activity and intelligence, and the effects on intelligence of longitudinal physical activity intervention programmes have been analysed in several systematic reviews and meta-analyses. However, there have been fewer studies focussing on a more theoretical/epistemological approach and the development of specific practical proposals for didactic interventions within the educational setting. This work aims to show the most relevant scientific results relating to the association between and effects of physical activity on intelligence and it offers didactic guidelines and suggestions for the use of physical activity as a means of cultivating intelligence in a school setting. For this purpose, strategies based on increasing daily physical activity and physical fitness, the comprehensive use of physical education classes, active commuting to school and active school starts, active breaks and recesses, and finally the combined teaching of physically active academic sessions, are shown.
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Citación recomendada | Recommended citation
Ruiz-Ariza, A.,
Suárez-Manzano, S.,
López-Serrano, S.,
Martínez-López, E. J.
Physical activity as means of cultivating intelligence in a school context.
Revista Española de Pedagogía, 79(278).
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Palabras clave | Keywords
activebreaks, Cognition, movement, physicalactivity, physicallyactiveclasses