

This study is part of a research project into coexistence and school mediation. Its aim is to develop a tool (short version) to measure moral, emotional, and socio-cognitive training and the socio-personal impact of mediation on mediating pupils and teachers and mediated pupils. The theoretical starting model on which the development of this tool is based is the Educational Model for Development of Competences through Mediation (EMODESM). Methodology: the design is based on combining three previouslypublished questionnaires to create a single tool for evaluating mediation. The construct validity of this tool was studied in two phases. First, a sample of school students (n = 102) from Navarra (Spain) was evaluated, which gave rise to the revision of the tool. Second, the construct validity (confirmatory and exploratory factor analysis) and reliability (Cronbach’s alpha [α]) of the revised tool were assessed with a new sample of school students (n = 140) from the Autonomous Community of Valencia. Results: we present a mediation assessment tool (MEQ) with 23 items and four dimensions: social impact, the interpersonal emotional area, the personal emotional area, and the moral cognition area. The reliability of the questionnaire showed appropriate values (αTotal = 0.9497; αPerception- SocialImpact=0.7896; αEmotionalInterpersonal=0.7690; αEmotionalPersonal=0.8672; αCognitiveMoral=0.9402). Discussion: the structure of factors shown bythe MEQ questionnaire is not fully consistent with the EMOSDEM theoretical model. Consequently, we present a proposal for modifying the theoretical model on which it is based. Conclusions: a single validated and reliable mediation evaluation tool (MEQ) is presented, together with a review of the theoretical model for mediation.

This is the English version of an article originally printed in Spanish in issue 276 of the revista española de pedagogía. For this reason, the abbreviation EV has been added to the page numbers. Please, cite this article as follows: Iriarte Redín, C., Ibarrola-García, S., & Aznárez-Sanado, M. (2020). Propuesta de un instrumento de evaluación de la mediación escolar (CEM) | Proposal for a school mediation evaluation tool (MEQ). Revista Española de Pedagogía, 78 (276), 309-326. doi: 10.22550/REP78-2-2020-08

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Author Biography

Concha Iriarte Redín is Associate Professor of Research and Diagnostic Methods in Education. She currently works in the Department of Learning and Curriculum in the Faculty of Education and Psychology at the Universidad de Navarra.


Sara Ibarrola-García has a doctorate in Educational Psychology from the Universidad de Navarra (UNAV). She is Assistant Professor in the area of Didactics and School Organisation. She works in the Department of Learning and Curriculum (Faculty of Education and Psychology) at the Universidad de Navarra.


Maite Aznárez-Sanado has a doctorate in Neuroscience from the Universidad de Navarra (UNAV). She is Assistant Professor in the area of Methodology of Sciences and Behaviour. She works in the Department of Educational and Psychological Theory and Research Methods (Faculty of Education and Psychology) at the Universidad de Navarra.


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