

This paper focuses on the negative or opposite of entropic disintegration as understood in physical sciences and applies this, metaphorically, to the online enterprise. Negentropic behaviours are those that bring re-integration, renewal, and eventual positive states to the institution. Online learning, which has now been a staple in most college and university strategic plans, has the potential for significant negentropic impact on the enterprise of higher education within individual institutions. Here we focus on how to apply negentropic theoretical constructs to the leadership of online enterprises with the expectation of increased positive forward motion for the higher education institution.

This is the English version of an article originally printed in Spanish in issue 274 of the revista española de pedagogía. For this reason, the abbreviation EV has been added to the page numbers. Please, cite this article as follows: Carr-Chellman, A., Freeman Jr., S., & Kitchel, A. (2019). Liderazgo en la empresa online neguentrópica | Leadership for the negentropic online enterprise. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 77 (274), 437-454. doi: 10.22550/REP77-3-2019-08

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Author Biography

Ali Carr-Chellman is the Dean of the College of Education, Health & Human Development at the University of Idaho. She teaches courses in Instructional Design. Her research area is change in higher education, systems thinking, gender and gaming, and diffusion of innovations.


Sydney Freeman Jr. is an Associate Professor of Adult Organizational Learning & Leadership at the University of Idaho. His research interests include higher education leadership and faculty development, faculty careers, and higher education as a field of study.


Allen Kitchel is an Associate Professor of Education and the Associate Dean for the College of Education, Health and Human Sciences at the University of Idaho. His research interests include leadership and faculty development, professional development of CTE teachers, program and curriculum development, best practice models for online pedagogy, and technology integration in learning.


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