

Social science journals are undergoing a process of change to reach the quality standards required by knowledge assessment agencies. This paper presents an overview of the main areas requiring improvement in order to attain a better position, visibility, and impact for these journals. Considering its remarkable trajectory that makes it a reference in the field of social sciences, the model of the journal Comunicar is analysed, pondering the relationship between articles received and accepted, authorship, methodologies, and quality criteria employed by the journal. This piece concludes with a reflection on the existence of a new academic culture, the potential quality parameters of the journals and their indicators, the importance of the author of academic texts and his or her training, the establishment of topics of interest beyond the local or individual, visibility and transference, and the incorporation of new ways of measuring the impact of work, in line with the resources of the digital society.

Cite this article as: Pérez-Rodríguez, A. M., García-Ruiz, R. and Aguaded, I. (2018). Comunicar: calidad, visibilización e impacto | Comunicar: quality, visibility and impact. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 76 (271), 481-498. doi: 10.22550/REP-3-2018-05

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Author Biography

M. Amor Pérez-Rodríguez is Assistant Professor in the Philology Department of Universidad de Huelva. Member of the Agora Research Group and manager of Grupo Comunicar in Huelva. Assistant Editor of the journals Comunicar, and Universitas of the Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (Ecuador). Her research and publications focus on media education and literacy, new languages and narratives, language and literature teaching and scientific publications.


Rosa García-Ruiz is Assistant Professor at Universidad de Cantabria in the area of Didactics and School Organization. Assistant Editor of the magazine Comunicar and Alteridad. Revista de Educación. Author of several works published in high impact journals, books and conference proceedings. Member of the Network of Excellence EDUMED. Manager of the Euro-American Inter-University Network for Research in Media Competencies (ALFAMED) in Spain.


Ignacio Aguaded is Professor at Universidad de Huelva and Editor in chief of the journal Comunicar. Organizer and Chairman of scientific committees such as the Ibero-American Congress of Communication and Education and the RTVE forum. Principal investigator of the Ágora research group at Universidad de Huelva, President of Grupo Comunicar and President and founder of the Euro-American Inter-University Network for Research in Media Competencies (ALFAMED).


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Palabras clave | Keywords

academicpublication, impact, indexation, qualitystandards, scientificdivulgation