

The teaching of structures on architecture degrees has traditionally been based on didactic lectures covering theoretical content with exercises solved in class by the lecturer. This very passive teaching style which involves minimal student participation, was accompanied by a high failure rate. Based around calculating unrealistic models by hand, this method is unattractive from a pedagogical perspective, something reflected in low attendance rates. It also creates superficial learning in which concepts are quickly forgotten after finishing the module. This article presents the innovations adopted in the Structures II and Structures IV modules from the Architecture degree at the University of Malaga, which have made it possible to raise the pass rate and attendance, and also aim to give students a closer link to this content through the use of ICT. To do this, flipped learning and PBL methodologies were used along with various ICT tools that also made it possible to check how students follow the module with the aim of evaluating the results of continuous assessment. The results obtained show a rising trend in the pass rate with an improvement in the quality of the passes and an increase in the number of students who sit the exam in the first assessment period. It can be concluded that the use of the methodology described above leads to students being more involved and motivated by the subject, favouring continuous weekly work, and thus achieving better learning.

Cite this article as: Ruiz-Jaramillo, J., & Vargas-Yañez, A. (2018). La enseñanza de las estructuras en el Grado de Arquitectura. Metodología e innovación docente a través de las TIC | Teaching structures on Architecture degrees. ICT-based methodology and teaching innovation. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 76 (270), 353-372. doi: https://doi.org/10.22550/REP76-2-2018-08

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Author Biography

Jonathan Ruiz-Jaramillo is a PhD in Architecture from the Universidad de Sevilla (2012). Masters in Assessing and Repairing Buildings from the University of Seville. Assistant Professor in the Department of Art and Architecture of the Universidad de Málaga.
Antonio Vargas-Yáñez is a PhD in Architecture from the Universidad de Sevilla (2014). Master’s in Environment and Bioclimatic Architecture from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Lecturer in the Department of Art and Architecture of the Universidad de Málaga.

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Palabras clave | Keywords

PBL, structures, teachingmethods