

Adoption is a process of creating new emotional bonds, an encounter in which bonds are built that make it possible for the child to have the support to enable it to grow in different developmental areas. This article sets out to present the results obtained from a collective case study with 21 adopted children which describes their manifestations relating to emotional expressiveness, body language, and verbal language. To do this, narrative observations of the relational psychomotricity evaluation sessions were made, biographical interviews with the families carried out, and previous reports on the children analysed. The data were analysed using the SPSS statistics package, following prior identification of a list of categories. The results and conclusions refer to the detection of both the needs and of the capacities of the children in this study, with particular attention to the emotional manifestations deriving from the absence (or rupture) of a primary support.

Cite this article as: Sánchez Rodríguez, J., Morillo Lesme, T. and Riera Quintana, C. (2018). Evaluación de las necesidades afectivas en niñas y niños adoptados: manifestaciones en su expresividad psicomotriz | Evaluating the affective needs of adopted children: demonstrations of psychomotor expressiveness. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 76 (269), 157-173. doi: 10.22550/REP76-1-2018-08

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Author Biography

Josefina Sánchez Rodríguez is a PhD of Educational Sciences and Senior Lecturer of the Department of Didactics and Educational Research (area of Didactics and School Organization) of the Faculty of Education of Universidad de La Laguna (LLG). She coordinates the research group PSICOREL (Relational Psychomotricity) and the Psychomotor Service of ULL. Her main lines of research are psychomotricity and attention to the specific needs of educational support.

Talía Cristina Morillo Lesme is a PhD in Pedagogy from Universidad de La Laguna and Lecturer in the Department of Didactics and Educational Research (area of Didactics and School Organization) of the Faculty of Education of ULL. She is member of the Psychomotor PSICOREL. Her main lines of research are psychomotricity, detection and attention to educational needs and adoption and institutional care.

Concepción Riera Quintana is a PhD from the Universidad de La Laguna and Senior Lecturer in the Department of Didactics and Educational Research (area of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education) of the Faculty of Education of the Universidad de La Laguna. She is a member of the research group PSICOREL (Relational Psychomotricity), and also participates in the Laboratory of Education and New Technologies of Universidad de La Laguna.

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