

At present, competence-based approaches are gradually becoming the main axis of the European Union’s general education policies and of pedagogical practice at several educational levels. Nonetheless, it is important to analyse how the various general prescriptive directions that can easily be identified at the normative level are being put into practice in order to establish an in-depth understanding of them. This study presents the results of a research project with the aim of analysing and describing successful practices in the development of Cross-curricular Competences (CCC) in VET centres in the Basque Country. The methodology used is case studies in which a quantitative approach (a questionnaire for teachers) is used, followed by a qualitative approach comprising interviews and focus groups with management teams, students, and teachers. Analysis of the results reveals three typical cases relating to the forms and modes of institutionalization of CCCs: at the level of individual teachers where the development of CCCs is in the hands of teachers in an isolated and diffused way; at the cycle level where the teachers of a cycle as a group direct the process within a context of methodological change; and at the centre level where the development of CCC becomes an institutional feature involving all of the centre’s teachers. Each of these cases results in a particular understanding of the concept of CCCs as well as diverse ways of materializing them in teaching-learning processes. The results provide key information that enables critical reflection on the shift from individual experiences to more collaborative institutional and teaching models for developing CCCs in vocational training.

Cite this article as: Eizagirre Sagardia, A., Altuna Urdin, J., & Fernández Fernández, I. (2017). Prácticas de éxito en el desarrollo de competencias transversales en centros de Formación Profesional del País Vasco | Successful practices in developing cross-curricular competences in vocational training centres in the Basque Country. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 75 (267), 293-308. doi: 10.22550/REP75-2-2017-7

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Author Biography

Ana Eizagirre Sagardia. Universidad del País Vasco.

Jon Altuna Urdin. Universidad del País Vasco.

Idoia Fernández Fernández. Universidad del País Vasco.

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Palabras clave | Keywords

basicskills, basquecountry, cross-curricularcompetences, employability, vocationaleducationandtraining