

This paper shows the results of a longitudinal study on the integration of MOOCs in university classrooms and their influence on academic performance. The relationship between performance and the course design and the type of student participation is discussed. Performance has been assessed through evidence of learning, while the design and influence of the type of participation have been checked using standard instruments: TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) and IMMS (Instructional Materials Motivation Survey). Evidence obtained shows that participation in a MOOC improves learning results, and that both the type of course design (defined by an intensive use of social networks and e-activities) and active participation have an influence on academic success.

Cite this article as: Castaño-Garrido, C., Garay, U., & Maiz, I. (2017). Factores de éxito académico en la integración de los MOOC en el aula universitaria | Factors for academic success in the integration of MOOCs in the university classroom. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 75 (266), 65-82. doi: 10.22550/REP75-1-2017-04

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Author Biography

Carlos Castaño-Garrido. Universidad del País Vasco.
Urtza Garay. Profesora Adjunta. Universidad del País Vasco.
Inmaculada Maiz. Universidad del País Vasco.

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Palabras clave | Keywords

performance, studentparticipation