
The ethical-pedagogical responsibility of the teachers: a new vision from Max van Manen


The first point consists of being aware that the education of the teachers concretely those of secondary education needs to assure besides the theoretical and technical dimensions of the task of teaching the dimensions in a deep sense. From there, this study has an aim: to shed light on a good part of what Van Manen has been discovering through his numerous reflections and researchs on the theory and practice of the ; a disposition that is in the heart of every real teacher-educator, after to have received a global education.

In this line, the interest of this study consists in the deep understanding that Van Manen has obtained on this essential attitude, a disposition present in all authentic relation between an educator and a child. In this sense, in this study one stands out that, according to Van Manen, in the practice, the most essential of all good educator is his/her intense experience of .

A contribution also new of this article consists of illustrating all the previous one with an selected of a phenomenological-hermeneutical research conducted by the author of this study, in order to make as visible as possible how the teachers who have a very great pedagogical responsibility are able to put in practice with naturalness that essential disposition, subject of this study, so that the reader-educator feels highly the attraction to emulate in his/her own educational practice this pedagogical responsibility.

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