Evaluation of the educational activity in the European Space of Higher Education: A comparative study of quality indicators in European Universities.
The adjustment of Degrees to the new framework of the European Space for Higher Education (EEES) needs optimization of the quality of the activities developed by the teaching staff. In this context of changes, the need to undertake an integral evaluation of the academic job represents one of the most urgent demands for the European Universities. Likewise, the introduction of comparative models between academic institutions strengthens the sense of evaluation of the teaching labour as Integral System of Quality. It supposes a change of conception of the process of university education, where the formation and educational experience are combined to guarantee the quality of the students learnings and the methodology and educational action. This situation has, as a last purpose, the improvement and the optimization of the process of learning-education.
Citación recomendada | Recommended citation
Muñoz, C. P.,
Nieto, B. B.,
Martos Méndez y Enrique Alonso Morillejo, M. J.
Evaluation of the educational activity in the European Space of Higher Education: A comparative study of quality indicators in European Universities..
Revista Española de Pedagogía, 69(248).
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