
Anthropological bases for education


This work highlights the thesis that philosophical anthropology is essential for understanding the reality of education, which belonging to the very core of human being, would be indecipherable without the codes of integral anthropology, where scientific knowledge and philosophical comprehensive knowledge converge. From their natural and cultural dimension, to their configuration as personal, dialogic, free and transcendent beings, everything in mankind points at education and culminates in it, as it gives life its true meaning. Contributions of dialogic and personalist philosophy (Buber, Levinas, Mounier) are relied on, those which locate human beings on the realm of ethics and humanism, so as to recover in the vision of education fundamental concepts such as person, freedom, encounter, values, etc, which enlighten the full sense of human life and enrich to its utmost the meaning and scope of formation. Consequently, school today should focus on forming free persons, committed with values which uplift the dignity of existence.

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