
The social construction of curriculum: critical analysis of semantic and epistemology aspects


This article analyses critically the semantics and epistemological problems of the conception on the social construction of meaning and knowledge. This view is shared by History of Curriculum and has repercussion on wide variety of pedagogical views (mainly, those based on critical and sociological approaches).

The author develops the analysis in three steps: firstly, he points out a synthesis of the positions on social construction in semantics and in epistemology; secondly, he analyses critically the semantic and epistemology aspects involved; and, finally, he draws the consequences regarding the problem of the authority, thinking of the cases of knowledge and society.

Key Words: Social construction. Curriculum. Meaning and knowledge. Philosophy of education. Epistemological relativism.

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Palabras clave | Keywords

Social construction. Curriculum. Meaning and knowledge. Philosophy of education. Epistemological relativism.