
Quality in educational services: Analysis of the instrument SERVQUAL


This paper examines the opera-tionalizing of perceived service quality of the instrument SERVQUAL like subtractive scale (perceptions-minus-expectations) in its application to a public and educational service as academic libraries are.

The realized analysis is focused on expectations under two points of view: (1) expectations in public and educational services work like values under the preference's maximization principle and this causes a distortion in the zero breakpoint of the subtractive scale, since it would not be associated to an inflection point of perceived quality, and (2) expectations don't work appropriately with perceptions because both of them operate as a measure in clearly differentiated planes. In this sense, the subtractive scale would make no sense. In any case we defend the use of expectations in the measuring quality of public and educational services, but as a pondering of the importance of perceptions.

Key words: Service Quality, SERVQUAL, Academic Libraries.

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Palabras clave | Keywords

Service Quality, SERVQUAL, Academic Libraries.