The education of the primary forms of self-knowledge
There are obvious phylogenetic differences in the evolution of the species homo", with respect to other living things, as well as essential differences, although modern positivist/idealist thought tries to minimize such differences. Human beings, unlike other species of the same genus, approach sexuality and affectivity in a rational way. The understanding and practical reason of the species homo" are those proper to a chosen species: they are inductive and dialectical but also, and above all, of a free and reflexive intellect. While it is true that human freedom is not absolute, human beings have the capacity to choose different paths in order to plan out ones life and to build cities. Human reason, starting from the initial knowledge of the perception of the outside world, can deepen its knowledge of the reality of the in te rior and exterior world, until it glimpses the truth on the horizon, and attain happiness with the truth. A free human being is one who loves, seeks and attains the truth.
Key words: education, affects, sexuality, epistemology
Citación recomendada | Recommended citation
Zayas., E. L.
The education of the primary forms of self-knowledge.
Revista Española de Pedagogía, 60(223).
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