
Didactic strategies to development of procedures


A general review on didactic strategies that help to the development of procedures comprised in the didactic dimension called 'how to do 'is herein discussed. The different phases included in this dimension, from a simple application to the metacognition, are analyzed as well. Additionally, several data are furnished to the terminological confusion that embraces this dimension and that has grouped or widely separated the most significant authors nowadays. Concepts, such as capacity, cleverness, handiness, strategy or methodology are often intermingled in an unjustified way, and thus, the intention to clarify their main similarities and differences is also done.

Those aspects that favour or difficult teaching and learning of procedures and the phases by which they go by are also discussed. The importance of its evaluation and those variables that we cannot forgotten, from that moment when a procedure is got into until to achieve its automatism are furthermore specially mentioned, taking into account the incidence of personal aspects of teachers and, specifically, of students. Finally, several proposals are offered in order to classify the procedures differentiating three wide groups called as methodological contents, cognitive skills and psychomotor abilities. From each of them, the basic characteristics as well as the most interesting strategies are presented, analysing all that proposals made by the most relevant authors in this subject, from Kirby (1984) up to Monereo (1998).

Key words: Didactic methods, learning strategies, teaching strategies, teaching skills.

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Palabras clave | Keywords

Didactic methods, learning strategies, teaching strategies, teaching skills.