
Education and political legitimacy (1931-1970)


The Spanish Second Republic and the Francoist Regime use the education as an instrument of socialization and political legitimacy but with different results. If we can talk of a certain failure —or precarious success— of the socialization of the values of the re-formist Republic (1931-1936), about revolutionary Republic (1936-1939) we have to predicate its supported success in a uniform policy favorated by the policy consensus which the first didn’t have and by the absence of the declarated enemies of the regime of which this was plenty off. The Francoism, by its way, manages to be in the power du-ring forty years not only for an effective repression but because of its adaptation’s capa-city to the different situations which they are going through, and in function of the ones it’s covering in different ways of legitimacy (charismatic, traditional, of origin, rational and of exercise), processes in which the education plays a fundamental role.

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Palabras clave | Keywords

socialization, SpanishSecondRepublic